
Growing as a Christian

Founded November 2012
I am a Christian Woman, Wife, Mother, Coach, Trainer & Athlete Looking to Glorify Jesus~ Amen! 
I am a born again Christian believing in the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. 
My Mission is to BLEND my deep passion for Jesus with my Deep Passion for Coaching! 
I am God's Vessel and there is NO greater Gift I can give toward God but to spread his Love & Word to both the Believers & Non Believers to help them grow in their Faith. 

This is where it all began- God has Plans for me!
♥ My Amazing Spiritual Marathon Journey 4:13

♥ My Baptism

♥ My First Good Friday & Easter

  Fueling On Faith Not Food

#1 ~ If you know you are hungry emotionally I want to teach you to become hungry "spiritually" instead! One of the greatest things I love to coach is how to handle your emotions and now I can urge you to do that in the Grandest Way for my Believers, through our Lord

#2- Corinthians 6:12-20 Treat Your Body Like a Temple!

#3  Luke 12:22-23 Do Not Worry about what you will eat

#4 Joshua 1:9 Be Strong & Courageous

#5 John 6:35 & John 6:50  Let the Lord Jesus but your spiritual - supernatural - sustaining bread

#6 Proverbs 23:1 How to Overcome Your Gluttony with Food

#7 1st Corinthians 10:13 Overcoming Temptation from Food

When Our Minds Grow Weary let our Spirits Grow Stronger!
♥Experience Joy & Victory - Don't Give Up!

♥Be Strong & Do Not Fear

♥Stay Pure & Faultless against the Pollutions of our World.

♥ 2 Timothy 1:7 Spirit of Power, Love & Self Discipline

♥ Let the Lord fill your heart - it's greater than Food  or Wine.  Psalm 4:7

Growing Into the Likeness of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the Passover Lamb -

Door of Hope- Won't you answer your door!

Do you feel like God has forsaken you?

Holy Spirit is Wisdom- ask for it!

Dissolving Doubts and inhaling confidence for life change

Expectational Faith of Gods Promises

Manifestation into the Glory Cloud

For the Broken Hearted 

Are you Bitter? Identify Bitterness and change

Reading the Bible and letting it read you

Is God making your life hard?

Do you blame God for Cancer or Disease? Is he Causing it?

Prophetic word from the Lord- Mirror the Clouds Part 1

Prophetic word from the Lord - Mirror the Clouds Part 2

 ♥Soul Mate or Spiritual Mate

Stop Looking Back

Daily Devotional Thoughts: 

♥ Dwell in your promise land

Harvest is ready

God is our Goodness- Not our Appearance

♥ Read the Old Testament

Salvation comes through Repentance

Access to the Most Holy Place

Caution Christians- Sooth Sayers

Christian Poetry


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