
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week #1 Holiday Lose or Maintain Holiday Challenge

Hi Friends Welcome to Week #1 of the 2012 CCRG Holiday Challenge where you work to either lose or maintain during this coming Holiday Season!

With Temptation all around and the stress of the season sometimes we can lose focus and gain weight or struggle to maintain.

Statistically speaking the Average American ~Only~ Gains 1lb during the holiday season. Do you want to gain one pound? How about we beat that statistic and prove that Food does Not Control Us!

So as a Weight Loss Coach I am like a guide. I may remind you of things you already know, I may help you learn to implement what you already do know, I may teach you something new and maybe just guide you along with motivation and support. I know that there are secrets to Maintaining & Losing in the Holiday Season and they Include: Staying Active & Not Starving (depriving) Yourself. I want to teach you how to moderate your Food Intake so that you can build a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating practices for the holiday season and beyond.

The Weekly Goals I have set up with Video Blogs to come!

  • 3) Take measurements of our biceps, forearms, mid quad, calve, neck, breasts, waist, hips and lower hips if you need to

  • 4)Take Self Portraits in sports gear or bra/underwear for comparison photos

  • 8) Creating a work-out routine that works for YOU!  Are You going to Run? Learn to Run? Cross Train? Identify at least 3x weekly that you will work-out. Negotiate and try new times that will work for you and problem solve with time management to fit it in.

During this Challenge will talk about General Nutrition and discuss deeper more about Protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. We will work through Emotional Eating and how to get your mind healthy so we can get your body healthy. So Much More! Let's get Counting and Tracking Today!
    If you are Not on Facebook and Still Want to Join in that's GREAT! Just Follow Along Each week and I would love to hear from you! Drop me an e-mail or comment on these blog posts and I'll be sure to answer questions and guide you along!


  1. I just asked to join the group. I struggle with holidays not just on eating but emotional as well. Usually end up skipping meals and well that leads to over eating later.

  2. I LOVE this group!!! So happy to have found you CCRG!!!
