
Friday, January 31, 2014

Comparison Thinking

For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory.
(2 Corinthians 3:10)

For who you were yesterday has nothing to do with who you are comparison with surpassing glory of where you are going!

Comparison thinking can lead many (including myself!!) into potential treacherous territory.  It's an evoking emotion to reflect on where you were then in comparison to where you are today. We smile at the advancements and yet focus more on the shudders and cringes of our setbacks. The mirror becomes a place to stand before ourselves and ask "is this acceptable?"  Is this what I want the world to see, is this what the world expects? Is this who I know I am, or could be?

The mind and heart engage in battle. We try to stick up for ourselves and think of the all the ways we have succeeded.  We compare the past to our present life use as a gauge of how well we are doing. We let the beautiful moment flee before us because our minds trap us into the past.

Are you struggling with physical health setbacks, on slower run/race times, lower running mileage, lower fitness levels, loss of strength/endurance/muscle, If you put on 5/10/15/20+  pounds etc?

The great news is that you can stop sabotaging your heart and mindful thoughts on living in the past on who you once were! Give yourself a break! We are evolving and that includes our heart, mind and thoughts too! No matter our setbacks and the glory of where you were, you should be finding glory in your present place. Time to re-establish healthy thoughts into self! Like you work your body, work your mind! Transform your thinking and stop reflecting on a measure of what once 'was' and start doing your best today!

The even greater news is that where you were then to now is Nothing compared to the surpassing glory of where you'll find yourself in the future. As a surviving and fighting people, we generally don't digress through life!

What Hope! What Redemption! What Power! What Faith! What Belief! We should always see ourselves the way God sees us! He's not looking at life the way you are, he truly sees the big picture, the perfect will for you life and how he is unfolding that perfection for you.

Through the pain, trials and tiniest and largest of setbacks I fully TRUST that we are being Refined! No matter if our perceptions don't line up for ourselves that in some way that they are lining up for God.  That surpassing Glory is the HOPE! We take Faith in the Journey! We believe that it's not all for nothing!

Besides what are we doing it all for anyways? In the end.....what will matter is what you stood for, what meant the most to you, greater than works, greater than power of self, greater than the power of the world, greater than the power of self worth!  I was sucked into this song yesterday as I ran and I can't help but keep listening to it ....over....and over....and over again!

What are we really sacrificing for? What are you willing to waste? On HIM! For HIM! He is Worthy!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stop Looking Back!

How many of you heard of the story in the bible where Angels rescued a man named Lot from Sodom & Gomorrah?  God was putting the city's to destruction because of their detestable ways. The angels rescued Lot, his wife and two daughters from the city before the destruction.

Book of Genesis chapter 19
17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”

26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

When God is making a prepared way for you (out of Danger, into a better place from which you are coming from) he is instructing us to trust him!  

What looking back might feel or look like

1) We doubt that God has put to destruction the past - questioning can we go back? 
2) We doubt that God has prepared a better place for us 
3) We show God that we don't trust him 
4) It shows us the deepest desires of our hearts (the past is almost always full of failures, wrongs and sinful mistakes) yet there is power in the old way of life. Not all power is good. We tend to enjoy doing things that make us feel bad, despite if they are morally wrong for us.

 God has prepared a special straight path for you. It's a circumcised path.  Angels may be put in your path to save you from the past? God has moving you in a spiritually stronger position to live out his personal will for your life. 

We are called to abide in God's Love and follow Jesus without hesitation. 

How might looking back at all your past be affecting your life? Not only do you die spiritually but you die in the flesh too. How can you move forward into full life and fullness of love if you are always thinking of your past? How might this be affecting your current relationships or friendships? How might this be affecting your ability to be an effective partner? I can't believe I just wrote effective partner when it comes to marriage, but that's actually what you become when actually willingly engage with your partner and leave the past behind you! Are those harbored emotions causing you to overeat? Become Careless or carefree with your body? Are you simply existing and going through the motions of life because you keep looking back? 

Challenge yourselves today. Is there a person, event or situation from your past that you keep looking back on? How might overcoming this impact your life now? 

 Luke 9:62
  Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Philippians 3:13
  Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wheat Belly Biscuit Recipe (Gluten Free)

I actually really like this recipe and did it with Cheddar mixed inside and found it a success! Yum!


1 cup almond flour/meal
1 cup ground golden flaxseeds
4 teaspoons baking powder
4 tablespoons cold butter (cut into cubes)
4 egg whites

Make them cheddar biscuits by adding 1/2 teaspoon onion powder and 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (I confess I lightly oiled my baking sheet and went with it!)

In a bowl, mix together the almond meal/flour, flaxseeds, baking powder, and onion powder, cut in the butter until combined. Stir in the Cheddar.

In a small bowl, beat the egg whites with a hand mixer until soft peaks from. Gently fold the egg whites into the dry ingredients until combined.

Spoon the dough into rounds on the baking sheet (mad 12 for me) flatten to approximately 3/4" thickness.

Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown

237 calories, 10g protein, 9g carbohydrates, 19 total fat, 5g saturated fat, 6g fiber, 447mg sodium

Wheat Belly Recipe - Basic Bread (Gluten Free)

I'm adventuring into exploring new options for whole grains alternative to Wheat. According to some health professionals (Doctors!) the wheat that is being used the food industry has been so genetically modified in the last 65 years that our system has extreme difficulty digesting it. Wheat Belly consists of bloating and many other forms of irritable bowel!

I've gone Gluten Free before and experimented didn't find success. It's winter....I'm in a baking mood....and looking for adventure (Oye!) so I want to experiment again!

This bread is "ok" not the texture for bread that I wanted. Very dense and doesn't toast like I wanted. So I won't be making this one again. If you like dense breads then this is the recipe for you!

Wheat Belly Basic Bread Recipe copied from here

1 1/4 cup blanched almond flour
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp garbanzo bean flour
1/4 cup ground golden flaxseed
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
5 eggs
1/4 cup butter
1 tbsp buttermilk
4 drops liquid stevia (or to desired sweetness)
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease 8.5" x 4.5"loaf pan.

In a food processor, combine the almond flour, garbanzo bean flour, flaxseed, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Pulse until well blended. Add the egg yolks, butter, buttermilk and Stevia and pulse until just blended.

In a large bowl and using an electric mixer on high, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Pour into the flour mixture and pulse until the egg whites are evenly distributed, but do not run the machine at a constant speed. Spread into the pan and bake for 40 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Cool in the pan for 10 minutes, remove and cool completely on a rack.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Are You Bitter? Identify bitterness and change

When I think about living a life centered around Jesus I know I must take time to renew my mind and evaluate. The Holy Spirit is great with direction on what needs to be addressed in your spiritual, personal life.  This is not an act that is done every once in a while but every day that we pick up our cross we are told to put away the thoughts of self and keep our eyes focused on Jesus.

I know it's completely easy to say and sometimes harder to do. Bitterness is a feeling that even God has. There is something comforting to me knowing that all human emotion is something that God too has felt (Isaiah 22:4)

Bitterness involves feelings of anger, disappointment or having resentment.

Where does bitterness come from?
1) Bitterness follows unwanted experiences that involve setbacks, disappointments or failures.
2) Bitterness comes from believing that someone that hurt you did it with malice or intent or disregard for your feelings and or how you might have been affected.
3)You know you need to resolve bitterness if you find yourself thinking about the person/event and wished you could of said something or reacted differently. One of those typical "turn back time" moments!
4) A deep hurt or trauma that even you don't want reconciled so that the other person can suffer (Like you feel that have done to you) REVENGE!!!
5) Bitterness comes from unmet expectations. I personally think this the biggest source of bitterness for people. We expect specific reactions, commitments, loyalties and qualities in friendships, relationships, events that don't measure up to reality! 

 How Bitterness might be affecting your life
1) Sickness- I know ....don't freak out on me! LOL- but bitterness causes your body to experience stress and even on a physiological level cortisol a stress hormone is released during stress and that hormone can disrupt the normal functions of your immune system.....causing you sickness!
2) Inability to focus
3) Feeling vengeful
or speaking a cruse into someones life
4) Inability to move forward into current relationships over past hurts/traumas
5)Inability to connect with God like you used to (feeling spiritually emptier)

 Bitterness and Your Spirit Life
It's not at all uncommon to hear other people talk about feeling bitter toward God for an undesired outcome toward a situation that they had prayed earnestly to God about. 
 I think more so there are other sensitive areas that bitterness can build up in your spiritual life that alludes you away from worship, prayer or fellowship. That is bitterness (strife, envy, wrath, debates, whisperings, gossip) inside your church or ministry.  What is so important to remind yourself about this sensitive area where bitterness can cripple us, is that the Enemy would love more than anything for you to get caught up in this sinful spirit because it keeps you away from God! Are we under the power of sin or of Christ? “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness" Romans 3:14 and no one is exempt! However in Christ we are called to live outside the power of Sin and inside the Power of Jesus! 

Redemption? Of course, through Christ, Jesus! ~ Amen ♥ Forgive! Move Forward! 

Hebrews 12:15

"See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many"

Ephesians 4:31

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Matthew 6:14-15

14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

So Now I challenge you to the TRUTH.......are you harboring bitterness in your heart? 

James 3:14
But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reading the bible and letting it read you!


For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires (Hebrews 4:12)

The scripture is meant to divide us so that we can be made whole. I love oxymoron statement facts like that! ♥

What happens when a believer reads the very word of God and feels "exposed"?

Not only do we open our hearts to be changed by God through the words but we must expect the Holy Spirit to tell us something we didn't already know. Sometimes there is a moment when you were enlightened like never before by reading the same passage many times before. The scripture can cause us to live in penitent (remorse; repentant) and ultimately renewing us as our sins are continuously forgiven by God's Amazing Grace.

Not only do we read the scriptures and learn how to identify how that story applies to us "today" but we should think more about what God is trying to show us about WHO he is! What Heart & Love & Mercy & Grace he has always had for his creation; all people! Most especially those that love him back!  To find joy in the scriptures not to just change us but to change our views about God is so vitally important in building your Faith and Love with Him!  Identify also the deep parallels between the Old Testament and the New Testament will aide those that feel like the God of the New Testament is a different God from Old Testament; he is the same then, now and forever!

Several weeks ago I spent 4 hours searching every word in the Bible that had to do with "Power" and until I hit Hebrews 4:12 I was simply reading, absorbing knowledge.....but the POWER behind this Scripture that Spoke about how Powerful and Alive the Scripture actually is was spiritually tantalizing!  I'll admit that at 2am when my insomnia was settled into it's best, I was found soaked in the Full Spirit of God as the Holy Spirit just danced in my heart and mind about this scripture!

In the Front of Bible I wrote "This book is Divine Revelation from the first word to the Last" One must realize that these words are provided through the spirit to help us learn how to Live, Love and Learn. This book is to spare You and I grief! It's here to bless us and make our life easier! It unlocks the Kingdom of Heaven! We can to actually "know" God through his divine word. Don't rob yourself of the amazing revelations that God has in store for you simply by reading a little of his words everyday!

This Book is Divine Revelation from Start to Finish!  
Our Life is for Divine Intervention from Start to Finish!
God Bless You All & Keep on Reading the Word of God!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Is God making your life hard?

Be Wise and Inward enough to know who has created the storm in your life! Discern who/what has provided the storm! Is it a storm brought on by God to rid you of Sin? Is it a Storm brought on by Satan to distract you and pull you away from God? Is it a storm from the world; we live in a fallen world with lots of fallen people who create hardships because of their sin? 

Discern the truth!

Hail storms brought on by God are washing away the refuge in your life to bring you back toward him. What God is doing is annulling your covenant with the devil that gives you death and he is getting rid of the promise of the grave by putting you through trial that brings you down to your knees in repentance.

The hail storm will beat you up day after day providing you with sheer terror. Nothing will give you comfort! The Lord is is trying to get you to see that living your way only makes the chains heavier! Your bondage grows harder to overcome because you refuse to stop your ways and repent!

The Holy Bible, the living and active word of God shows that he can provide the storms but he is doing that so that he can effectively REDEEM You! There is never a storm that he is giving you that is not going to sanctify you in some way! Watch your steps and your pride, for those that think they are on solid foundations will surely sink!

Is Jesus Christ your cornerstone? Jesus is our tested stone, precious cornerstone of sure foundation; the one who trusts HIM will never be dismayed.

(Isaiah 28) 

When you believe, take faith and live in God's ways, you become protected!  God promises that even amidst a storm that is NOT yours he will provide a way for you to be protected. That is the promise of God. As the world rumbles around you and your heart mourns for your neighbors, family or close friends that are being affected by the storm, just trust that you are protected by the storm because your cornerstone is Jesus! That you have turned away from the sinful darkness of the world and live in a state of transformation (repentance, sanctification) . Where you have shed your old life and live in righteous robe of white because of the red blood of the lamb. His blood has redeemed you from the bondage's of death (sin). 

God promises protection for you amidst the storms (Isiah 32:18-20)

18 My people will live in safety, quietly at home.
    They will be at rest.
19 Even if the forest should be destroyed
    and the city torn down,
20 the Lord will greatly bless his people.

You need a close introspect into your relationship with God. God wants nothing more than for you to be in the likeness of him. Is your life in the likeness of him? Free from Lust? Sexual Immorality? Filthy mouth? Lies? Drugs? Alcohol? Envy? Malice? Idolatry? Unforgiveness? Pride? ................

You are called into Holy Living! Not Man made laws, rules but the commands of the Lord! You CAN live a life free from bondage! You actually can live a life without suffering! (Not talking about persecution, we will suffer in persecution for the Lord, but we should be living FREE from all other suffering when we align our hearts, minds with commands of God!) 

 “You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why Blame God for Cancer or Disease?

There are a lot of Christians and non Christians walking around pointing the finger at the Almighty God for GIVING Cancer and Disease to people. Claiming that his Sovereignty has allowed such things to happen on an intimate and personal basis.

Their view is clouded by the real truth. (Satan would love more than anything for you to view God as an unloving wrathful God just waiting for you to mess up so he can strike you with illness or disease). God is Sovereign and he does control calamity and does (did) allow it to happen. The choice was made thousands of years ago in the Garden with Adam & Eve. He told Adam & Eve that if they ate from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil they would surely die!
When God gave over choice and free will to man he allowed the consequences of the fall of man kind to be on fault of the humanity. From that point forward he made a choice to allow all things created/done by man to exist on the part of their own free will.

God originally planned and created a "perfect" earth absent of disease and calamity. The sinful desire and nature of man increased in power and the effects and power of SIN sent Earth and Mankind into a state of serious degeneration. What we have now on Earth is a result of the fall of man from the beginning. We are in the shadow of Earths formal and perfect glory. calamity, disaster and the subjection to futility is ours to own and not God's.  We are infested with disorder, disease and disaster because of the fall of mankind making us solely accountable for our own condition.

The GREAT news is that God is a loving and forgiving God and we can pray to him to intercede for us and correct in our minds, body and soul what has gone seriously wrong! God is healer and perfector! He is our great physician and we can turn to him for mind, body and spirit healing! We Thank our Lord Jesus Christ for that right!

Mirror the Cloud - Part Two!

After my morning worship and the word that given through the Spirit to "Mirror the Clouds" got me all pumped up and excited! I shared my initial excitement here!
Mirror the Clouds

Then as I always do, I keep going back to what the Lord spoke to me and chew on it, ponder it, let it soak into my heart and mind and the Deeper I go with the word the more and more revelation I get. Of course I'm running when all this spiritual stuff keeps pouring in and through me!

When we talk about the Cloud; we think of God! He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud (Exodus 13:21) Not only did he guide the people with cloud, he was IN the cloud! He spoke from the cloud! He is in essence- the Glory Cloud!  Read Psalm 18 where God's brightness is veiled through a dark cloud!

"Then a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to him.” (Mark 9:7) 

"After saying this, he (Jesus) was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him. (Acts 1:9) 
"I don’t want you to forget, dear brothers and sisters, about our ancestors in the wilderness long ago. All of them were guided by a cloud that moved ahead of them, and all of them walked through the sea on dry ground" (1 Corinthians 10:1) 

"In the cloud and in the sea, all of them were baptized as followers of Moses" (1 Corinthians 10:2) Just as people were baptized by water(sea) and spirit (cloud) with Moses, the same with Today! We are baptized by spirit and by water! 

Best News of All........................"Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And everyone will see him— even those who pierced him. And all the nations of the world will mourn for him. Yes! Amen!" (Revelation 1:7) 

When God tells us to Mirror the Clouds he is telling us that when we look down we actually get to live like we are looking up (Heaven on Earth! Letting God manifest himself here for You and His Glory!) He is also sharing with us that when we Mirror the clouds we are Mirroring HIM! He is Cloud, He is Spirit and we are to live in the likeness of God!
"Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor." (Psalm 8:5) 

We are Crowned! Amen! We Hear you Loud and Clear Lord and I pray that for spiritual eyes and ears be opened upon the reading of these words. I pray for walls to be removed and stumbling blocks to be taken care. In Jesus Name we Pray! Amen.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mirror the Clouds

A Word spoken to me from the Lord Today! "Mirror the Clouds"
 In a time when theology winds can rock a Christians foundation all they have to do is LOOK UP! We keep our eyes on Jesus and Look to the Heavens for our answer. God spoke so gently when he said "Mirror the Clouds" When I do, What do I see? Heaven on Earth! Amen! Jesus, Thank You for bringing back mankind back to the Father! His Will for his Children are the same on Earth as it is in heaven! An enemy could never deceive like this....must be REAL! God is So Real! His Kingdom exists and we don't have the spiritual eyes to see it but it's right there and they get to see us! Imagine the world above us...perfect....divine...and God so desperately wanted it to be just like Heaven! Through Jesus we get to experience that first hand! I pray for your eyes and ears to be OPEN in the Name of Our Lord Jesus~ Amen!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


God Said "I dwell in the High & Holy place, with him also that is of contrite and humble spirit, to REVIVE the spirit of the humble, and to REVIVE the heart of the contrite ones. Isaiah 57:15

There I am running (Yes I STILL RUN AND LOVE IT!!!!) and I'm all pumped up from writing my book and thoughts are flowing. Yet ....I can't think about anything but REVIVAL.....I started to get really, really excited. The Holy Spirit was just rushing in while I ran and the revelation of my deep purpose in Life is so raw and real. I love to preach, teach and motivate. Not only will I evangelize for the Lord but More Importantly I'm involved in the Next Great Spiritual Awakening this is HAPPENING NOW.....WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF BIG, BIG, BIG  REVIVAL....It won't be small, it's going to be HUGE! Not Just in my City, but in Our State, Our Country and the World! This is not just about me spreading the word to One Person but Reviving the Hearts and Spirits of Christians everywhere. For the change in one Christian to grow Deeper with the Lord will catapult even deeper, bigger changes for the advancement of the Kingdom! More Lives will be saved. 

For all the souls that think they are going to heaven but are not, this will secure their salvation. Repentance and actually ABIDING in the Word and Believers will start to  Live the Will of God.

Hear the Words that will continue to pour through these pages in the months and years to come, the Holy Spirit is Roaring inside me and the Good News is going to spread like Wild Fire! God is working and we don't need to seek for the Miracles, Healings and Wonders for they Will follow the anointed believers and Lives will be Transformed, souls Saved and the Crown of Everlasting Life will be rewarded then and people will begin to wear that crown today! They will walk into their promise land, They will take all of the lambs blood and walk rectified! Thank You Jesus! 

Soul Mate Vs. Spiritual Mate

  1. Spiritual Mate Vs. Soul Mate - When two souls connect they feel a connection through the physical sense. They adore and become moved by the other persons beauty. Soul Mates in fact enjoy everything about the other person from inner beauty characteristics as well as external. Soul mates feel a connection inside the world. They insist on a lasting relationship through the duration of this life here on Earth. The version of soul mates has become watered down and is often over used. With the increase in divorce rates as well as short lived relationships often based upon superficial instant physical attractions we can easily see that fact to be true. A spiritual mate is almost identical to the qualities of soul mates however, it runs deeper than that. It's a divine connection. Instead of it being something that man/woman brought together, it's a connection that was warranted to happen through divine interventions and happenings. I watched a movie many years ago called Serendipity and it really speaks to the heart of divine interventions. What was meant to be is! What wasn't will never be. What we force to happen often because easily identifiable through rough relations . Instead of bumps in the road in staying connected as Spiritual/Soul mates often the road on the relationships that shouldn't have been are volcanic with major catastrophic eruptions. With a distorted view of loyalty or a deep desire to be loved a mate endures to the point of self destruction. A spiritual mate runs deeper because it's sacred. Sacred is a form of consecration which is to maintain purity through holiness. Spiritual mates pray together, worship together. Spiritual mates keep to the commands of the Lord to avoid pornography, sexual immortality, take submission to each other, they keeps eyes only for their mate. Perhaps the marriages that you see that are so successful are in fact Spiritual Mates or sometimes even soul mates. There is beauty in both, but One is certainly divine and sacred. I would offer the theory that for those that believe they are married to their soul mates, do you feel they may instead be a Spiritual Mate? Do either of you Know Jesus? Perhaps if you don't, you could search within yourself and challenge yourself to think "Is our Relationship Divine?" What is meant to happen? Is it protected and so sacred to God and yet you don't acknowledge his protection over you both? Taking the leap of Faith to believe that your marriage is much more than you'll ever realize will move mountain in your own life but together could move mountains for the Lord and his Kingdom! Come together through acceptance of your Divine Relationship and Pray, Worship and Love a Holy & Pleasing Life. The Lord promises that your reward are great. Freedom, deeper expression of love and commitment to one another. A Three cord strand is not easily broken! Remember it's easy to let someone else tantalize you with beautiful thoughts and sayings about your beauty and steal you away but Jesus said "Let no man separate what God has brought together!" It's these sorts of commands that add eternal values! ~ God Bless

Harvesting Little!

It's time to Harvest!

God Speaks "Give Careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink , but never have your fill. You Put on Clothes but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it." (Haggai 5-6) We are commanded to build up more than this! Stop being so busy thinking about yourself and the ways to which have become the primary focus of your life. It's not about all that, it runs deeper. That is the truest meaning in life. Most especially during this holiday season it's wise to open your eyes and heart and stop with holding your heart and his spirit. #godfirst

Why are You Hiding it...Each Day so Vital

Preach from your housetops that which you will hear in your ear. For no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel, nor does she put it in a hidden place, but rather she sets it on a lamp stand so that everyone who enters and leaves will see its light. #fullofGod #blindinglight #outofthisworld Don't be Ashamed...Ever!

Caution Christians - SoothSayers

SoothSayers= people that love to soothe you; encouraging you in sin. Ever Notice that there are people that love to be like "Oh don't worry about it" or have a friend that loves to discourage you away from guilt when you know you messed up? Pick your friends wisely. I don't want friends that smile at the face of my dis contempt. I don't want sooth saying friends that encourage me to not "worry" about something that has eternal consequences. Friends that encourage, urge , prompt, you to not care about values, morals should be no friend of yours!

Assemble the People and Give them Water

Moses Said "Assemble the people and I will give them water. Jesus said "Assemble the people and I will give them Everlasting Living Water" David once said “Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.” and We get to say "Oh how I long for that good water from the well from the man that was born in Bethlehem" When David got that water that was fetched for him, he poured it out as a sacrifice! When we get our living water, we pour it back out onto others as a sacrifice! Don't keep what was given....give it to the multitude .....the people they are so thirsty! Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don’t wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Dwell In YOUR Proimse Land!

Moses brought the Israelite out of the Slavery & Bondage they were in! They were so EAGER for freedom but quickly they fell away when they doubted and didn't trust that he would lead them to the Promise Land! Oh how I see that now with the Christians. Jesus has walked us out of Bondage and Slavery. People are so Hungry to be saved and eager for their Promise land! They let Jesus take them out of slavery, But they start doubt and won't trust. If they kept their heart on God they would have gone to the promised land quickly, but because of their doubt they wandered for forty years! How many of you are wandering with Christ? Because you won't trust him! Because you won't take what he is trying to give you? Not just Salvation! Oh No! Much More than that! God was not just freeing them from Slavery, like Jesus is not just promising you Salvation! He was going to give them Land to farm, own and build solid foundations on! He was going to feed them milk and honey!! Give them flocks! He was there in Spirit to commune with them! No matter their doubt much like yours, he still provided water and manna! Today Jesus still promises you Salvation for just being with him! Do you want more of What Jesus wants to give you? There is More! Freedom and Salvation Now! No more bondage! No more sadness, no more loneliness, no more addiction, no more worry! He provides you joy, peace and pours blessings upon you! The cloud was with the Israelites and cloud was spirit (God) and We have that same spirit IN us when we believe, ask for it and that Spirit (God) wants to manifest, build up for yourself and for HIM all the Greatness he has planned for you! Are you acting like a stubborn Israelite wandering in doubt? When you Let Jesus bring you to the promise land? Place the doubts aside and claim what he is freely given you. Don't shy away in fear! Sometimes it's really scary when we have to let go of OUR WILL to Submit to His! His Blood is more than Atonement!

Clean Eating Squash Dish

Grilled chicken, spinach,squash,diced red onion, grape seed oil with herbs, cranberry. Toss and bake till squash is soft. 400 degrees for 30 minutes


Joy, Enjoy and In-Joy

Joy, Enjoy and In-Joy! Ponder that one Baby! God is the True source of Joy. That is the feeling and emotion of extreme delight. When You enjoy something that means you are doing something that provides you with a feeling of joy! When You are IN joy than means that you take that extreme feeling/emotion that God gave you and manifest it into EVERYTHING that you do! Can You find Joy washing the car? Can you find Joy scrubbing the toilet? How Crazy right? What if I told you that God's Joy makes your Extremely delightful to smile as accomplish the most mundane. Don't Lose Sight of of the simple things. Don't Lose the Joy that you ought to have in Jesus! #revivalpreaching

God is Our Goodness, Not Our Appearance

God is our Only Source of Goodness; not our appearance. Don't live a healthy and fit life because you idolize your body and the attention you receive from it! Instead idolize God who lives inside your body, making HIM the reason why you honor what he has given you by taking great care of it! Hardest struggle has a person that has transformed their life from unhealthy to healthy is to recognize that our bodies are not trash cans, they are not meant to be treated so poorly. Drinking Soda, abundance of chemicals and artificial colors and flavors is not something you should do as a normal diet. Instead embrace the foods that are divinely provided by God himself, in their natural state! Our Great Designer made our body's amazing and we as a degenerative humanity treat ourselves like we can withstand all! Even though God provides divine health we must do our part to walk in good health by tending to our bodies, absent of bad eating patterns, impulsive and binge eating, dehydration and eating abundance of man made foods/chemicals/preservatives/herbicides/pesticides/genetically modified! On the opposite side there are certain causes for celebration and feasting and having occasional foods off the normal healthy intake are not going to harm you. Don't make your lifestyle an obsession or take priority of what is most important! It's not the number on the scale, it's not how many miles you ran or how fast (trust me, these numbers change and the importance of them wane back and forth) it's greater than all of this. Who you are is not in appearance, not in looks, not in accomplishments but in Christ Alone! If you remove the numbers and remove the sharing of what you have accomplished as a measuring tool, what would you have left? Challenge Yourself to that thought! What if all you are and all that you do is simply "Being IN him alone" is that Not enough?

Read the Old Testament!

You people worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews! Discover Jesus through the New Testament, but to Truly understand God and who he is and what he has done for you then you should read the Old Testament. Much like Jesus speaking to Samaritan woman at the well, you all worship a God you don't even know! If you don't know God, what he has done, his heart for you then you may never get the chance to understand the Gifts that are waiting for you and this is not just the eternal salvation message but what he wants for you NOW as you walk this life. Imagine no more loneliness, no more empty tears, no more confusion, no more lost feelings. He makes everything make sense for you! It's not about who you are in this world; but who you are IN him! If you are deep with the Lord....ASK him to show you more of who he is! Ask for eyes to see like he does, ask for a heart like he has. Ask him lift the veil between the realms so you can live like (Adam & Eve) before the fall!

Salvation Comes Through Repentance

Salvation comes through Repentance! No one wants to look in the mirror and make the confession! I think it's easier to simply say "I believe in Jesus Christ" and then be saved, but it was never about Just believing was about rectifying the Fall of man because of the disease that wages in all of us and that disease of the soul is our sinful nature. When we confess in Jesus we are claiming he is the Son of God and able to wash those sins away! Now here is the forgetful part, it does NOT stop there! We are to align ourselves with the word and the commandments of the bible, in doing so we sanctify ourselves, we consecrate ourselves and we walk in God's Light! The power to do all things comes through Christ, but we MUST walk in the obedience! We do it ourselves because he gives us the strength to get out of the boat and walk upon the waters! Even stormy waters! We are washed, robed and crowned but we will fall and stumble from time to time after all we still live in the world and still in human nature, so we must live in the spirit and recognize our sins and repent continually so that we may continue to transform our minds. Hyper Grace is keeping Christians out of the Kingdom! Don't think that because you are saved once, have Faith that you can continue to live out of the obedience of the one who has saved you. It's not the law of man that we must follow but the laws of God! We strive to be Holy because we are made in the image and likeness of the Heavenly Father; he is ALL HOLY, so therefore we must also strive to be the same way! When you look in the mirror do you see Jesus? Don't let Satan alter your perception! Look at your heart, look at the walk of your life, look at your relationship with Abba Father and determine where you are and keep working toward knowing him more and more and learning who you are IN him!

Being a Mom Is Enough!

I have been in this Huge Transition where my feet are so ready to do work for the Lord. I've surrendered all of myself and he has certainly showed me path. However, very clearly it's not my season. I'm in training. I'm learning and studying more than ever. I'm raising three kids and learning more about myself too!

A friend shared this blog and well I'll share it with you! Whether you are in Jesus or Not this mindset that if you are not a  BUSY Body for EveryBODY is not quality or well enough then we are decieved!

Juicing Try-outs

Juicing....takes time and money. Especially if you don't know how it will turn out.....oh my! Today its ginger,wheatgrass, lemon, carrots

What is Your Favorite Juicing Recipe? Do you Juice Often and what health benefits have you noticed? 


Acess to the Most Holy Place

If you have never read the old testament you might not fully understand what Jesus has done. Used to be a time when only the sanctified,consecrated priest could enter the most Holy place in the tabernacle. The priest could only enter the MOST Holy place upon special occasion. There was a curtain between the Holy and Most Holy place. Well the Great news is that Jesus IS that curtain. He has made access to the Most holy place to get access to the father and is through him! You have become a priest with access to the father through the blood of the lamb whom is our High priest. Confess your sins to him so he can wash you white! #revivalpreaching