
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Speed, Hill Work , weights, Insanity Day#6

Today I went to the gym and Ran sprints on the treadmill. 30/60/90/60/30 sprints of a 6:40 pace. This was after a 1/2 mile walk/run warm up. My knee was not happy, I just could not get the right form for speed work with my knee on the treadmill today. Oh well, I listened like a smart runnergirl and decided to back down the pace and just run/walk a fully inclined treadmill at 15% for just over 6/10ths a mile. I did a cool down. I did stretching after my warm-up and on my cool down.

I adventured over to the rower and cranked a wimpy 5 minutes and far from a PR on that thing, as I was just not feeling it, I was actually a little upset at myself for listening to myself, lmao. Does this make any sense to you? Yes, I was not hurting on my hill but I knee the combo of speed/hill and the notion that I still had to lift and do Insanity was probably enough to back off the treadmill running. That my friend is smart and proactive runnergirl thinking. UGH. you know my heart loves distance running so this is hard for me :/ but I'm being greedy and ungrateful so I stop my whining pity party and head downstairs at the gym.

I hit up the Cybex Equipment and worked the following:

180 lbs leg press x 20, together and separate
60 lb quad curl x 20, together and separate
90 abductor x10
180lbs adductor
100lb x 20 row
100lb pull down x 20
100lb tricep press x 10
100lb lower back x 10
80lb oblique each side x 10
80lb ab press x 40

Home where I did 16 min video of Insanity Day #6 which was a concentrate on abs. Lots of gut burning moves to make me grunt and moan, lol.


B: organic egg, 1/4 cup egg whites, coffee

R: Electrolyte drink

L: Double dose of Jillian Michaels all natural whey protein
2.5 tbsp of Anutra
16 0z almond milk

s: Organic apple

D: Whole Wheat Bun with grilled chicken, avocado, lowfat sour cream and lettuce
1/2 cup of broccoli

S: Greek Yogurt and 2tbsp of Wheat Germ

Feeling Hungry tonight but I'm curbing my late night snacks (my normal air popped popcorn and dark chocolate) ...... I have New Goals and to get there I have to make sacrifices and that's my evening snack :)

I took some pics in my new Goal Dress- I look pretty great- I notice the emphasis I need on my gut work, it's the last of any lbs left on this body.

I've also put the scale away. I went from 162-163 up to 165 due to my monthly cycle and besides I'm moving beyond the scale so much lately that it's not about the number anymore. I'm so active and eat so well, but I want to curb my snacking and toss weight by feel for the first time ever and I want to control my appetite and intake through how my body feels and not by a number :) I'm really excited to not worry about a number anymore. I always feel so sexy and amazing and sometimes the shock of a scale from my fluxing weight can throw me for a LOOP. I know I'm gaining strength, look at all the muscle weight training I do in a week, my measurements are still the same as they were when I was 158!! Go figure- how do I gain 4-5lbs yet my measurements stay the same? Muscle! Yep!

I'll share those pics with you for my Goal Dress.

Do you use Goal clothing as your Inspiration to keep getting more fit or to lose?

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