
Monday, December 5, 2011

4.15 Miles & Insanity Day #5 & 2 cents!

Someone was thinking sweetly of me today-Ever feel that way- like maybe the world is just aligned so perfectly that you feel when someone is thinking of you or wishing you best. People carry you. People carry me. Whether you realize it or not, you are important to so many ♥

Sometimes the heart is heavy and you can't sort out why- maybe it's cause someone is thinking of you, or missing you or wanting you. Maybe when your heart feels so light and happy there is someone out there praying for you, wishing you the best in all that is best in life and in love. yeah, I believe that :)

I ran 4.15 miles today!! The Most Since Marathon over 8 weeks ago. Wow, when I see that it's been 8 weeks, I sorta shudder, has it been that long since I've not been able to run that long? WOW!! I know I could have gone 5 or maybe more, I was finding a stride that was working for me no matter the pace. That's my new run goals- Stretch, ice, and find a new stride. Become Aware of how I land and figure out my mechanical problem with my stride. That is after all my problem. I'm landing, or pushing off and twisting that knee cap. So I play around today and it concludes the faster I go- I land on my heel and roll around my foot and push off my last three toes on my right foot. However when I slow and run comfortable around my 8:45-9:15 pace I land more mid foot and push off all my toes. So what if....I heal strike and push off the outside of my foot will that help hold of the knee pain, irrelevant of my pace, YEP! It worked today. I was getting pain about 20-25min into the run. That was just freedom running, paying not attention to anything. So then I slowed it down and paid attention and hit an 9:15 pace where I was heel striking and got comfortable and sustained the run!!
Going to keep playing with it!


To the Gym I ran where I met friend to do Insanity Day #5. My runnerboy was there he ran the treadmill and hit up the weights while I was in the boxing room. My friend is a deputy sheriff and he has knee problems but still was able to get moving and try out the crazy insanity video. He kept laughing at me that I ran and then did this video- what can I say "bring it" bwahahaha! I'm sorta hardcore like that. But I will confess with how sick I was yesterday I was feeling a tad dehydrated and my head was aching and started to get eye/sinus ache again so I was playing it safe with my effort in this video. I was flattered he stuck out the 38min video, he had to improvise alot cause of his knees and well his un-coordination, lmao. He began a holiday challenge with the police officers department to lose weight over the holidays, he'll be back down there tmrw with his weight loss challenge partner and who knows, maybe I'll give them pointers to get in a good cardio burn to help them lose some weight. This person just lifts mostly and well that's great and all but the best thing to lose is to get your heart rate up!!


Breakfast: Coffee, no fuel- I was feeling really queasy before my run :( NOT good to not fuel before a 4+ miler and then almost 40min of Insanity but hey, gotta listen to the body.

Lunch: Panera Bread Restaurant with my RunnerBoy- Apple Chicken Salad, 1/2 cup of cheddar broccoli soup, green tea, couple of baked chips, few sips of the strawberry smoothie I got for free- that was actually pretty yummy!

Turkey Burger *no bun*
1/2 cup of mixed corn/peas
1 tbsp of Organic BBQ Sauce

1 comment:

  1. I guess your run today was giving you it's two cents! :)

    Good job on your run!
