
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reading the bible and letting it read you!


For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires (Hebrews 4:12)

The scripture is meant to divide us so that we can be made whole. I love oxymoron statement facts like that! ♥

What happens when a believer reads the very word of God and feels "exposed"?

Not only do we open our hearts to be changed by God through the words but we must expect the Holy Spirit to tell us something we didn't already know. Sometimes there is a moment when you were enlightened like never before by reading the same passage many times before. The scripture can cause us to live in penitent (remorse; repentant) and ultimately renewing us as our sins are continuously forgiven by God's Amazing Grace.

Not only do we read the scriptures and learn how to identify how that story applies to us "today" but we should think more about what God is trying to show us about WHO he is! What Heart & Love & Mercy & Grace he has always had for his creation; all people! Most especially those that love him back!  To find joy in the scriptures not to just change us but to change our views about God is so vitally important in building your Faith and Love with Him!  Identify also the deep parallels between the Old Testament and the New Testament will aide those that feel like the God of the New Testament is a different God from Old Testament; he is the same then, now and forever!

Several weeks ago I spent 4 hours searching every word in the Bible that had to do with "Power" and until I hit Hebrews 4:12 I was simply reading, absorbing knowledge.....but the POWER behind this Scripture that Spoke about how Powerful and Alive the Scripture actually is was spiritually tantalizing!  I'll admit that at 2am when my insomnia was settled into it's best, I was found soaked in the Full Spirit of God as the Holy Spirit just danced in my heart and mind about this scripture!

In the Front of Bible I wrote "This book is Divine Revelation from the first word to the Last" One must realize that these words are provided through the spirit to help us learn how to Live, Love and Learn. This book is to spare You and I grief! It's here to bless us and make our life easier! It unlocks the Kingdom of Heaven! We can to actually "know" God through his divine word. Don't rob yourself of the amazing revelations that God has in store for you simply by reading a little of his words everyday!

This Book is Divine Revelation from Start to Finish!  
Our Life is for Divine Intervention from Start to Finish!
God Bless You All & Keep on Reading the Word of God!

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