
Sunday, October 13, 2013

New Mission!

I'm not sure how many people fully realize how much God has Captured me. It's the same rapture he can have on your life too! Not that you have to drop "everything" and work for God full time, but I'll be honest, I can not deny the calling that God has placed upon my heart. I'm sure all my friends and family has seen the spiritual transformation I have made in the last 14 months, but it secretly runs deeper than I let on. I've been patient and fully surrendering my whole life to where God wants me. It's not been my choice but God's calling that has moved me away from coaching, photography and even my college degree in psychology. I've been opened hearted about where God wants me. I can't deny to anyone any more that the Holy Spirit moves me every single day. The empowerment is undeniable. I started Ministry School a couple months ago, and I know that one day in the future that my husband and I will lead our own ministry.  I never imagined this for my life so it's been incredibly surreal. I just wanted to share that if you see me in real life, in your news feeds on FB etc that I am a Woman of God and I aim to live a holy and pleasing life to my Lord. God's Grace & Mercy has transformed me as a person, Wife, Mother, Friend and the best part is...... God's Not done with me yet! I won't boast about the anointing placed upon my life because truth be told, he could have chosen a better candidate to do his work but I Love the Lord enough to say "Yes, I'll follow YOU ♥"

I still look forward to a beautiful Healthy & Fit Life. Actually consecrating my body, life, actions, heart , etc to the Lord makes the Healthy Journey all the more meaningful for me.  I can certainly blend both passions, which I have done in the past and will continue to do but I feel the calling into ministry work to be about Just one thing Only~ Bringing people to Christ or bringing them back to him~Amen.

Having the Lord in your life does not mean that you give up on the passions, happy times you once had, it just enhances it. It allows you to have more gratitude and gives you someone to thank for it!  God wants us to experience love, joy and victory and never be held to bondage/chains of any kind. Those chains we often create through our own bad habits, our own poor self esteem, our own inaction. Most times Satan sits back and doesn't have an ounce of work to do because we as sinful fleshy people do a pretty great job at keeping ourselves separated from God.  Then once you begin to make healthy choices for the Lord, yourself then the evil principalities decide they can't let you be full of light so they attack. They want to convict of you past repented sins, they want you full of fear, sorrow and guilt. They want you to be lonely and most importantly the evil one wants your heart distant from God so that you can do it on your own (which we already know we just can't do it on our own.....and if you are a person that thinks they can....then I challenge you with the question of "how long?" and further more question how hard it is? With God all things are easier, his strength empowers you to get through it all!

I'll take prayers for endurance for the Race the Lord has set out for me, that when I reach my finish line our Lord will say "Well done my faithful and loving servant"

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