
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

He Fills My Heart with Greater Joy

You Have Filled My Heart with Greater Joy Than when their Grain & new Wine abound.
Psalm 4:7

Nothing of this Earth is going to fill your heart with greater Joy than the Lord himself.  If you are comforting yourself with food, if you are trying to fill the void with emotional and or binge eating then you are trying to fill the gap with Food. Instead you must start to rely on the Lord to fuel you, you must learn to surrender yourself to the spirit. Your flesh is weak but your spirit is what is really hungry.  Your spirit can not be fed but only through God Himself.

Pray More, Worship More, Relish More in what God can give you. Surrender!

Thank You Lord Jesus for filling my heart with the greatest joy- there is NO sugary food or treat or savoring wine that can overcome- surpass or outweigh the JOY of my spirit when I relish in you.  I celebrate you Lord, I don't celebrate and idolize the food for it can't give me what you can. I pray Lord that every person that reads this learns the self discipline to push away the extra plates, the savory sweets, stray from feasting on the wine and other foods that are so often tempting us (steering us away from honoring you with our body & spirit) Only You Lord, Only You can do that for all of us! In your precious name I pray! Amen.

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