
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas (Self Reflection & Sharing)

I came down with the Flu and then it settled into a bout of bronchitis so my already reduced mileage and fitness has been forsaked even further due to illness. However it's been really ok because I've been on this mega focus for the last month to refocus my motherhood and work on strengthening my marriage in paramount. Simply because I want to be amazing and what better time of the year then Christmas and after baptism!

I have been working so diligently on God's path for me. He has forced me to mend and forgive both my parents and seeing through the eyes of GRACE took swallowing and washing away a lot of old resentments and issues that always seem to entangle me in my adult life. I'm really used to washing away people to avoid problems but the fact is Family is not someone you let go of, even if the parents are abusive emotionally etc.

I have decided many GREAT amazing things for me and my future and they have to do with my relationship with my husband as we pray more, spend way more time together and connection on so many amazing life levels and I wanting to share even more! Even after 17 1/2 years I'm proud to say he is MY BEST FRIEND & LOVER! 
On a Recent Lunch date! Got a GREAT compliment when the Waitress was surprised we had been married for almost 15 years!

It's our "Save the Date" as we get Ready to Renew our Marriage Vows under a New Covenant of Faith!

I have spent some time Crocheting (Runnerboys idea) so we have been having Fun relaxing and getting back into something we both have not done since we were young adults or even since he was a kid - I've taught him to crochet and maybe he'll remember how he used to knit and teach me!
I'd rather be running but for now I'll crochet baby booty's (why I don't have NO baby?, lmao! I vowed to save them for my grandchild- I may NEVER make another pair?

I have been baking and getting my Butt Whooped in Checkers ALL THE TIME from my crazy lil 7 year old!   Austyn & Allyssa are doing AMAZING and they are such great lil 4 year olds! I'm so blessed! They had a BLAST in the Winter snow the last two days! Austyn first one in and Ally willing to stay out till her cheeks are rosy red!

My eating has been great, a lot more at home than the months past it shows I'm slowing down and cooking at home more now that the winter months are here. I actually bunker down and eat best in winter and summer I'm more active but eat more! odd-haha!  I still have those five lbs I gained over summer and thankfully nothing else but I'll shed that once I'm back to training and normal fitness! No obsessing or worrying here- that five lbs tacked on when my body was ill for 6-8 weeks last may/june so I'm not at all worried.

Fitness: Like I mentioned everything as been slow but I'll be grateful to hit 1250 miles this year plus my cross training and weight lifting so I'm a happy FIT Girl ♥

I'll do end of year review and make goals for 2013.

Have you thought about 2013 yet?

We have donations in for the Remembrance run, the 2012 Holiday challenge comes to a close and I wanted to share that  come visit me on Christmas Day and send me an e-mail asking for your FREE Downloadable Home Bootcamp Work-out! Catch it Free on Christmas and Give it a Try~ My Gift to you ♥


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