
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fresh Look- Lots of Changes

Well most of you have noticed and been following me the last week as I adventured into a new direction with my Blog & CCRG.

God has propelled me into this direction. Full of old insecurity and doubts I cast them away with this some how subliminal strength that he will take care of me. He leads me and I must follow. God is gifting me and guiding me. I must trust him. He has my back.

I have now taken CalorieCountingRunnerGirl which started just as a small blog to help me write about my journey and softly guide others became much larger than I ever anticipated in just 16 months.

Starting this blog just after reaching my goal weight; I knew I had this ability to at least reach out and share my story. I wanted to reach out and keep growing and self exploring. I went through so much last year and the blog was an amazing outlet to sort through my feelings. I am thankful for that ability to self express and sort. Many of you attached to my story, became attached to what I felt and shared.

I thank you for that support ♥

In that time I spent likely thousand hours sharing so much on the Internet. Pictures, motivation, support, e-mails, in person contacts. I grew, my outreach became world wide and I was blown away at the amount of people that need motivation and inspiration. I found what people needed was guidance and support. I became a Coach in an instant. I coached hundreds since my start with goal setting, working through emotional eating issues and online coaching with running etc. I answered questions and any ounce of giving made me incredibly humble.

What I needed to do is to keep going! Once I became born again at the End of July my life forever Changed! God grew in my heart and I began to live a life that would show the world that God & Jesus Lives Inside Me!  Even as a New Christian I can't (and don't) want to stop speaking how much God has always been apart of my life even when I was close minded. How he has been waiting for me. How I can be forgiven for all my mistakes and sins. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and washed away all my sins. God Forgives me each and every day. I'm not a perfect person but I'll aim to live a Great Christian Life. I read my bible and pray all the time. Much like my health & fitness; spirituality needs to be fed every single day!

I changed my name from CalorieCountingRunnerGirl to CCRG Coach on Facebook and made a new website offering my services (actually this is my second website so please forgive me it's not finished yet) but I'll link you anyways  my new email is 

Online you can find my services via the web. I already have experience coaching women around the world with running, weight loss and now I can do that on a deeper and personal level with more contact, phone calls and get deeper in coaching you in developing a healthy lifestyle.

What I'll be doing now is offering my services locally. I want to touch MORE people in community. I can do that with Weight Loss Coaching & Personal Training & Running. I am Beyond Glorified in this direction! It feels so perfect and right for me. I'm eager, excited and I know that God will bless me and my clients! In order to do that I need drop the status quo of just being known as Calorie Counting RunnerGirl.  Yes Calorie Counting & Running is a GREAT , EASY way for me but I honor all cardio and I know that moderation with food with food can be done with more than just calorie counting. They are both just tools and methods and I use all sorts even for myself and when I coach others! So it's time I remove that box I put myself in and go more main stream with my true beliefs ♥

I ask that you help me make the switch by going to my old facebook page and unliking me there and liking me at the new one! I know it's so hard to make a change when it took 16 months to get over 4450 followers and have just 1200 so far switched over. I don't want to get hung on numbers; it's not about the number is about making sure all my faves come over to hang out with me!

My services are up and going! if you need me I'm here! I do answer quick questions so don't hesitate to drop me messages :)

God Bless Us.

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