
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Running in the Rain Tips & Safety

Running in the Rain Tips & Safety Notes

Wear brightly colored Gear, flashing lights/vests

Wear Goretex or trail shoes to keep your feet dry- at the least some whicking socks

Use the sidewalk - sometimes the road shoulder can yield larger than normal puddles and cars sometimes swurve to miss them or they in fact try to get them to get you weT!

use waterproof tech holders for phone/ipod if not sometimes a thrifty ziploc can keep your technos dry!

run without music- there is something cleansing and majestic about hearing the rain come down; take this time to unplug and tune into your breathing and mother nature

stop fearing the rain; it's ok to run in the rain! Just don't run if you hear thunder or see lightening! Take a route that has shelter just in case the weather turns for the worst.

Enjoy yourself- have puddle fun ( I do!!) but be mindful those puddles can be TRICKY and be deeper than you expect and may in fact give you a poor foot landing inside the hole and can you can really twist your foot/ankle- so be cautious in your playtime!

wear visors/caps to keep the rain out of your eyes!

♥ When you get back home and need to dry out your shoes loosen the laces and stuff your shoes with newspaper and flip them upside down to dry!

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