
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fast 3 and Hot Blond bitches

So there is a ALOT to talk about as I blog this morning! Got Your Coffee Ready?

I wanted to first talk about my calorie counting and well, every ones calorie counting. As much as I leave my blog very open and honest about what I have always ate (continuous thanks for meal ideas etc) I am suspect to other peoples varying opinions. I am going to get people wondering if I'm eating enough- or maybe even too much. And I just want everyone to know that my "body" is mine. Your "Body" is yours. Everyone has a number that works for them. I tell everyone to Always fuel when you are hungry. I never starve myself. I view my food as fuel. If my body tells me I'm hungry I eat. Sometimes that means forced fueling because there are times in which I have no appetite, maybe I'm too busy and almost forget, etc. My Hormones play a LARGE role in my eating as well. Sometimes I'm full feeling and forcing food intake is a must. Other times I'm clocking myself big time as My PCOS leaves me RAVENOUS.

Ok- so I have NEVER told someone they are not eating enough just by looking at their calories. I will never do that. I may suggest they eat more if they are hungry- I may tell you to make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories so your body is not deprived of nutrition. I am a huge fan of calorie cycling if you are at a plateau. Take your number and cycle 200-400 calories up or down from where you are at to confuse/challenge the metabolism.

With all actuality I could eat 1800 calories of very high dense foods in contrast to a person that eats 2200 of just simple carbs and waste. I guess I'll never know what other people eat (all though if you add me on MFP- or on Sparks and you want me to look at your food intake and suggest healthier versions or give suggestions- I can do that!) And NO- I won't tell you to eat less/more, lol, I concentrate on "Are you Hungry? Do you feel satisfied? Do you feel like you have enough energy and majority of your work-outs? cause it's one thing to cut calories and expect to have "some" sluggish runs or difficult fitness but the majority you should feel good. I'll be honest- I TRAIN REALLY HARD- I train fast- long- heavy- etc. I push myself- I expect no matter how dang calories I ate I'm going to feel that work-out and that fatigue set in. I'm an athlete- it happens- A LOT :)

It's more than just a calorie as well. I teach that on my blog. It's not just how many calories I ate today- I talk and teach a runner how to carb up before a run- how to fuel during a run and how to recover! So that while you calorie counting and cutting back you can still aim at nutrition and you can still at least fuel your body with some foods! I totally Respect that notion- I hope you all see that I'm that way- if you didn't now you do! Now you can back through my blog and read all about how I talk about fueling- nutrition cause this is NOT about being skinny for me- this is about being healthy and athletic!

I won't be upset if you are not happy with my opinion- nor does anyone have to follow that opinion either. But I'm telling you that if you are looking to lose weight you are going to have to be uncomfortable once in a while. You are going to have to sacrifice here and there to get to where you want to be!

I'm aiming to be a running coach, I am aiming to be a personal trainer. I am actually aiming to start a business where I bring in a nutritionist and let them work with my clients in a package to teach them how to eat. I am NOT a nutritionist. However- this does not mean I have not had formal college education on sports nutrition, over all basic nutrition, health & wellness and sports coaching management. Along with my personal experience, my Husbands personal experience and helping other people the last couple of years is really teaching me some major stuff. All this is used to pay it forward to offer some great health advice.

What works for you- may or may not work for others. That includes running/fitness/foods and calories.

Ok- Phew- with all that said- I am NO longer counting calories. I did a 3 week test- I knew I wanted to feel more comfortable and try to feel less "pudgy" in my mid section - mostly convinced my hard rock abs were pushing out any belly fat I did have- I have in fact lost a few lbs in a couple weeks. That took sacrifice- that took feeling uncomfortable and maybe fatigue/sluggish on a couple of my runs to get to my goal - and that was certainly not measured by the scale. It was measured on how I felt when I sat/stood up. It was measured by how lighter my mid section felt when I ran. I could notice a difference!

But what I realize is that almost a year of not counting I can really trust myself and see that I was eating basically the same - just less and just cut out maybe some of the extra enjoyable healthy foods I would eat. Not at all hard- a commitment yes- but Not hard and certainly not worthing of my time to track any more!

I LOVE THIS- The freedom of not counting this past year is what I want all my CCRG's to take and learn. That we use Calorie Counting and use it teach moderation/portion control and soon we can stop counting and trust that we can visualize a typical plate of food in proper amount!

Oh the Liberation!!

So there you have it- I am down to 161 lbs from 164 in 3 weeks. I learned I don't truly need to count to slim down how "I feel" but can go with a little tighter on my control and feel out my body - and I love that I can put the scale away again- and I can keep living this lifestyle!


I hit up the gym this Morning!

30 minutes on the biceps/triceps

23 minute run = 3 miles - splits were great- I was feeling really fantastic this morning and with a rest day yesterday it gave me GREAT running wings! I did an 8:15 warm up mile- then I dropped it down to a 7:30 pace for my second mile and then I dropped it down to 7:20 pace for the last mile and then the last 100 meters I put it a 6:58 pace. I love that I can run fast on the treadmill and today this was really surprisingly EASY for me- Pushed- Oh God Yes- but easy on the energy- I still had some! It was easier on my breathing- I just had GREAT control on this run- I really surprised myself. Usually this pace I'm panting and dying and counting my steps to my finish- so it was GREAT to have that speed again!

5 minute on the ab crunching machine

10 minutes on strength training my legs


Went out a date tonight :)

Dinner & Comedy Show.

I was the chick in the crowd that the comedian picked on. It was a female comedian and she called me out as the typical "skinny blonde bitch" oh my gosh - it was SO FUNNY and she asked me if I thought I was perfect and so I played the part and said "Oh Yeah" to which she said "fuck you" bwwahahahaha.

Hey I'll take being the skinny blonde bitch - that trumps being called out as the fat obese blonde in the back row- like maybe I would have been a few years ago! Just nice to have a crowd of people in a room looking at me as the "skinny" one- hahahaha. Boost they ego- thanks! lol

Nah- It was NICE to be out with My RunnerBoy and family- sisters/brothers and mother/step father. Just a really nice time :)

Here I am for Date Night :)

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