
Friday, March 30, 2012

Healthy Protein Snacks for Runners

Healthy Protein Snacks:
1) Beef Jerky- avoid the high sodium in beef jerky and possible un-necessary additives by buying a wholesome version of it or try making it yourself. Usually around 70 calories and 11 gram of protein for each pc.

2) Greek Yogurt: Plain Non Fat Greek Yogurt typically can give you about 140 calories and 18grams of protein. Go for a fruit flavored kind and you keep the same calories and reduce your protein to about 14 and add extra fruit carbs. My Favorite -

3) Cottage Cheese- Yes I know it doesn't sound so snacky does it? Well when you want to eat and secure your protein intake for the day - it's a great healthy option to reach for. Top with some slice peaches or pineapple and add some fiber and nutrients and sweetness to it. When you Eat Your Cottage Cheese purchase the low fat or non fat version, all you are losing is the yucky saturated fat!

4) Egg Whites- this one is my favorite small meals if I'm feeling a little hungry. Skip the yolk the extra protein is not always necessary and by doing so you omit the cholesterol. However- Please note that egg yolks (in organic state are based because the yolk holds all the pesticides) do hold a lot of necessary Omega 3's which are vital for our nervous system ....which is in turn vital for our Running and Aerobic activity. Deviled eggs is another great snack idea!

5) Protein Bars- I'm talking the ones that are not full of high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. Spend the extra and fuel your body right.

6) Protein Shakes: I use Jillian Michaels Triple Chocolate and or Vanilla Shake and RunnerBoy and I love it. I highly recommend it as it's natural with no artificial flavorings or preservatives. Contains Stevia for Sweetness.

7)Mixed Nuts: Do Not be So Afraid of the Nuts- They are very caloric but at the same time it's because it's full of only Great stuff like healthy mono and poly fats and protein! Just portion size them!

8) Whole Grains: There are so many whole grains out there that are complete proteins like Quinoa. Lentils and oatmeal - it's all great for you and some of these you can find ways to turn them into snacks. Sometimes Runnerboy snacks on Oatmeal and with the mix of complex carbs and protein- you just can't go wrong!

9) Avocado Dip with Vegetables: take an avocado and mash with a pinch of fresh garlic and olive oil. great little dip for your veggies and loads you protein and healthy fats

10) Cheese Stick- LowFat

11) Salmon/Tuna/chicken- Not snacks but I'm so compelled just say if you are hungry and then don't be afraid to reach for these- 2-3oz of each on just one slice of whole grain bread is a great way to eat light and get in extra protein

12) Chocolate Milk- Fat Free Milk is loaded with healthy mix of carbs and protein and throw in some healthy chocolate like Nestle or Ovaltine and you are all set!

13)Soy Milk

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