
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Meet Stephanie CalorieCountingRunnerGirl Success

Stephanie found CCRG Page not too long ago- Quickly I was drawn to her daily posts about her excellent commitment to running. Stephanie is interactive on CCRG and can be a great source of motivation to every CalorieCountingRunnerGirl that is looking for extra help, motivation or Inspiration! Thanks for Sharing so Much with all of us Stephanie♥I look foward to watching you journey through with all your Goals!
←Before After →
71 lb Weight Loss
Marathoner- Soon to be

My name is Stephanie Werntz, I am 26 years old and I originally started running in middle school during the 6th grade. I kept up with it really well all through high school and on my own during college just for fun. I didn't stop running until I moved out of my parents house and lived on my own with my first serious boyfriend (now my husband!) It was just weird learning to live with another person..doing what they want to do..he wasn't very active and introduced me to video games. So, i quickly lost interest in being active as well. Luckily it only lasted for a few years..but I managed to get up to about 181lbs and I'm about 5'4 in height.
When my now husband asked me to marry him I realized I wanted to lose the weight and start running again. Unfortunately, for medical reasons he can't run very well since he had major back surgery..but he did change his eating habits. Not only did I start running regularly again I am in better shape now than I was back in high school! I started out just doing a mile..then two miles..and for the longest time I would do about 2 miles 3 X a week until that was really comfortable. Once I started increasing the miles it became a fast addiction..I kept wanting to do more and more! So, I signed up for a 5k, then a half marathon, a few more halves, a full. and now training for an ultra! I reached my goal weight of 120 before my wedding on November 11th..and now on 2/16/2012 I weigh in at 110 for a 71lb weight loss! I run almost 6 days a week on a good week! I also strength train regularly as well.
As far as food goes..I really didn't do exact measurements. I didn't keep a food log (although I should have, it would have made life easier) but I did keep track in my head. I think the biggest help for me was just making small changes. Water instead of soda, grilled or baked chicken instead of fried, fruits instead of processed sugars, whole grains, etc... I started thinking food in terms of fuel for my runs instead of just eating to eat. So, changing my thinking towards food really helped me understand what I needed to eat. I won't lie though..I still enjoyed the occasional piece of cake or a chocolate chip cookie..but in moderation. Instead of eating 5 I would have 1 and be perfectly happy with it! I said goodbye to soda cold turkey and haven't touched it since.
I will never go back to a sedentary lifestyle. I love running and it has made me appreciate life much more as well.
In addition to running I am also currently studying for my personal training certification from NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and I take my exam next month! I can't wait. I hope I am able to help others get on the right track as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph! It's your cousin, Lindsay. I "liked" the facebook page for CCRG when I saw it on your news feed. It's a great site and I loved your article. I too have found a love for running and will be instructing an all women's running club next month! Too bad we don't live near eachother, but I hope to keep "running" into eachother on FB to stay motivated. :) Keep up the hard work!
