
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Meet Michelle - CalorieCountingRunnerGirl

Meet Michelle! Michelle is an original follower of CCRG shortly after I started my blog and boy am I ever glad she stumbled upon my Blog! She is now a friend of mine and I have had joy in having tiniest bit of inspiration to her in her journey. It all came down to Michelle though; she has a deep dedication and a real true understanding of how to lose weight, the commitment to do it and over-all the health importance to her so she can be the healthiest and happiest Woman, Wife and Mother she can be ♥ Thanks for Sharing Your Story with the World Michelle ((hugs))

May 2011...reached and all time weight high of 175! I felt like energy...sleeping all the time...bp was elevated...knees killing me...self esteem was horrible...I hid behind everything (or what I could fit behind)...I went to the doctor because I felt like I was going to die. I was shocked at the scale...I've never been that heavy. My diagnosis...I was obese! She really talked about my mom's heart history (she was her doc when she has her first heart attack at the age of 40)....she scared me...I have 3 young kids...I don't need to let me being fat kill me!

I started my new lifestyle that day! Just good old fashion eating healthy...nothing fancy...just healthy! Lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Lean meats and fish that was baked/broiled or grilled. When I was actively losing I tried keeping my calories @1500.

My exercise...oh boy! I was not a fan but I pushed through the pain!!! I walked 3-6 miles a day, 6 days a week! Id get up before daylight to help with our summer heat and thunderstorms. On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays I added the biggest loser card max. Also on Wednesday's If my husband was at home I went to a pilates class....but not religiously. Living 34 minutes from town put a pinch on that. I also do situps daily...nothing fancy on that. When I started I could not do 1...I now do 60 a day! My waist went from a whooping 44 to a 28!!!!

I started running in August...that is my new Love!!! Now I run 3 days a week and walk the other 4...yep something every stinking day because now I love to exercise...

My first official running race will be the Azelea Trail Run in Mobile, Al on March 24!!!

May of 2011 I weighed 175
Feb of 2112 I weigh 108
For 67lb weight loss!

My contact info..

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