
Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's a Wonderful Run 5k Results*PR*

Today was a Great Day!
I Ran the It's a Wonderful Run 5k !!
It was a Beautiful Crisp 35 degrees and dry! Could not be Happier with Clear Running Conditions! Certainly a fear this time of year with Races is compromised running conditions- well more so if you are looking to Set a PR!
Nike Dry Tech Compression Top with built in Bra Shelf
Layer 8 Cold Gear on top
Lime Green dry tech sports top from my Festival of Races 5k Race
Under Armour Compression pants- cold gear
Nike Running Skirt
Nike Running Gloves
Under Armour socks
Nike Triax 13's Running Shoes
Garmin 305
Apple Ipod shuffle
Nike Ear Buds
Run Like a Mother- BondiBand *head gear*
Race Weight- 161.5 lbs
Breakfast- Bowl of Honey Nut cherrios w/ almond milk (OMG_ been FOREVE's since I ate cereal for breakfast- about 6 months!) Lunch: Grilled Chicken, Lowfat Cottage Cheese

Body & Mind:
I was keeping it to myself but I was feeling a tad sensitive in my left calf yesterday- sorta came out of no-place as I spent the last 2 days CARDIO FREE for this run. I stretched but I avoided Insanity Work-outs and any use of my legs. I wanted to feel fresh after my longest run of 6 miles since Marathon just 3 days ago! I was find after my run- I'm sure it was just a recovery thing. My Mind was ready- I had insane amounts of excitement about this run. I thought about it day and night. What this run means to me in terms of Finalizing my Running Year, my Attempts to come-back from this knee tendinitis. I have only Run about 65 miles in the last 2 months, but it's all been short bouts of speed runs- about 1-3 miles of speed and hill work. Last week I only ran 5 miles and my cardio started to feel a little knackered on this weeks 6 miler in terms of energy for the runs! I was Ready- Or SO I THOUGHT...OMG!!



Finish Time- 23:50 - PERSONAL BEST!!
Pace- 7:41 per mile
Results- 9th out of 125 in my Age Group
245 out of over 1820 Finishers
My Splits:
MILE 1 - 7:20 Pace
MILE 2- 8:00 Pace
MILE 3- 7:45 Pace
Mile .1 - 7:30 Pace

I am so excited to Share that I set a NEW Personal Record today for a 5k Race!!
I Ran into a runner friend- and we started off together ♥
I am NOT able to do a full warm-up on these speed races- as I have a troublesome knee that might get pissed at me. So my Standard warm- up jog and stretch is not something I can do 'right now' . I dislike that I can't. It pumps me up, gets the cold crisp air into my lungs and allows me to properly stretch. But right now- this stage in my injury- I must do what I must do to survive!
So at the start line- I'm body jumping and doing some range of motion for the hips and some heal toe calf raises- the good news the left calf feels good and I have no aches/pains any where :)
I line up up front. This is NOT chip Timed- it's Gun Timed and wearing a magnetic chipped bib for the finish- it's vital to NOT lose anytime in the back of the pack. With the race this year going from 800 last year to over 2000 this year- it's that much more important to stay up front!
Mile 1-
I started way too fast- tis' the fun and adrenaline of the beginning 1/4- 1/2 mile of a Fast 5k ! I glanced down 1/4 mile in and was holding a steady 6:35 pace- No Worries- My friends- I backed off that pretty quickly- and when you tell yourself to slow down you inevitably hit the "wtf are you doing wall" with energy, lol. Mind You I have NOT done a warm -up, have not done cardio in days and certainly my running cardio is on the downlow this injury but none- the less- I was feeling the urgent fatigue. Which I will confess SHOCKED ME- FOR I AM HUMAN! *GASP*
1 MILE MARKER- gotta love those shining lights telling me 7:21 first mile :)
Mile 2-
HOLY HOT PEPPERS!! I was feeling the FATIGUE- That mile 1 kicked my booty and I was really hurting in the FATIGUE department. Dare I confess :( I was feeling so awful with my energy that It started to tel my Brain the following "Connie you May have to walk" "Connie- you are not ready for this" "Connie- it's OK if you DON'T PR"
I was ACTUALLY telling myself this- WITHOUT EVEN realizing it!! OMG!! THIS IS NOT ME!
I was hurting with lack of energy and I kept glancing and struggling to keep a sub 8min mile but I changed that negative thinking- I kept telling myself to keep my head down and Dig- Turn-over, Dig- Turn-over- Dig- don't give up- just keep going!!!!! over and over and over in my head
I see the Mile 2 Marker- Glance Down and see 15:20 on the watch- I hopeful as I'm on Track for a PR- TO MY SURPRISE!
Mile 3-
When you know you are on your way home- there is a sense of relief. the Last 1.1 mile takes not as long as the Mile 2- but at this point- you begin to evaluate finish times! I KNEW I must keep Pace- I am feeling renewed and I quickly Shuffle past Eminem's Lighters song- Listen I don't want this on my IPOD right now- I got time to think about nothing but RUNNING- I am all about making my way through- so I boom blast past this song on my IPOD and left it on Eminems's Till I collapse:
'Cause sometimes you just feel tired,Feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strengthAnd just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give upAnd not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse"
I honest to God thought about my Friend Angela today - where she dedicated Mile 26 to me today on her Marathon- My Friend- I thought about your Marathon Strength and you helped carry my spirit through and so THANK YOU for the Running SisterHood ♥ You had the Boom Penny- and I had You!
MILE .1-
Just coming off a pretty decent incline to the finish- I knew that I would be greeted by a decent accent of .1 to the finish line- I'M FLYING DOWN THIS SMALL DOWNHILL- I'm pretty sure I'm passing people and all I know is I see 23:xx on the clock and BOOM-BAM- I TOOK MY GLORY AND RAISED MY ARMS UP IN VICTORY- THE CROWD ROARED THROUGH MY IPOD AND TOOK MY FINISH WITH SO MUCH PRIDE I STARTED TO CRY!
I took it, I claimed it and it was DAM HARD!!
I was almost vomiting- Yep, I wanted to vomit toward the last 1/2 mile and certainly more so at the end- I took the longest walk and cool-down- that cold air KILLED MY LUNGS- I sit here tonight still inflamed in my lungs- I'm coughing badly and it sounds like I have bronchitis- after the race- it hurt to catch my breath and it burned so BAD- I think about how I smoked cigarettes for 12 years and how this is payback- I should expect nothing less than how I feel with my lungs right now. I have stake some Faith in the Notion that I'm cleansing airways that have been clogged by tar/nicotine and I'm detoxing lungs still - even though I've been smoke free for 7 1/2 years! You still can't replace the 12 that I smoked and the idea that I grew up around smokers my entire life- so in essence I've smoked for 26 years!
Knee- NO problems!
Left Foot- Yeah, not sure why- but foot pains- top of the foot (compensation for a knee that does not hurl today?) lol- who knows- whacky body!
Mentally I am so Proud of Myself- I've cried weepy self tears to myself tonight. I am so incredibly proud of myself. I'm proud of how much I dug and kept on going even when my mind tried to convince me otherwise- I needed to find that corner of my heart and soul and just keep my running wings open! I am so happy to hit sub 24 this year! Seriously? I used to weight 309lbs people!! I could barely run for 1 minute- Even after learning to run my fastest time was 11:30 miles!
I am ready to relax now- I'm ready and feel in my heart and soul ready for some time off my running- I have run 1,227 miles this year so far- and this just ends me off on the best Running Note I ever thought possible!

Run Like a Mother- and That I did :)

My Friend Kelly! SHE IS FAST! This is her 2nd ever 5k and she won 2nd place in our age group with a time of 21: 16 ......I am going to train with this little speedster- look how cute and tiney she is---then I wonder- when will I stop perceiving myself as this big runnergirl- cause my height and body structure is always so much bigger than the typical faster girls- lol -
Runner Boy High Lights :)
We Went to Weedsport this Morning- I got to Watch My RunnerBoy Set a PR in his 5k - 21:08!! He wanted sub 21 as he has been working hard on pace and breaking his last 5k pr of 21:25 was a pretty big deal- So he is HAPPY he too won his age group and got a Nice PR to end his Running Season ♥ It was Great to be there for Each other Today- I love Him so Much and I'm just so Proud. Plus I got to watch some other friends Finish and one is one of my RunnerGirls and she cut almost 4 min off her last 5k! BOOM! And also on another Note- I got to be a Running Photographer today and I took pictures of every runner coming through to the Finish :) What FUN!


Just Cause ↓

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