
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Reflection & 2012 Goals

1285 Miles
2 Marathons
1/2 Marathon Race
6 - 5k's

I worked so hard on pace- I dropped my average running from 10:30 Miles down to 8:20 miles on average for the end of the year- This alone is Incredible to me- what an amazing progression. Dropping my First Marathon time from 4:50 down to 4:23 over the course of just 6 months. Dropping my 27min 5k down to 23:50!

So needless to say- Running has showed me it loves me back ♥ I have a Million things to say about Running and how it has changed me- I'll save that for my two year Run-Versary on January 17th !!


I have so Many Running,Fitness & Food Goals for 2012 and here is what they are:


• Recovery- Work on Recovery with better/more stretching- this will aide me in staying Injury Free

• Run a sub 22 minute 5k

• Run a sub 4 hr Marathon

• Run a sub 1:50 1/2 Marathon

• Run my First Ultra 50k- I want to run my First Ultra- I want to focus not at all on speed- but on a slow and fun run- I want to conquer the distance- I wanted it last year and didn't get it- I am this year! I just know It!

•I started a Local Running Club for our City- We do our First Official Group Run of 2012 on New Years Day as a Resolution Run- I have Great Plans for our Community. We will be offering Weekly Runs working on Hill & sprint repeats and long runs. I will be hosting a couch to 5k program for the community in the Spring of 2012 and get more people running to support Great Health & Fitness.

• I have been offered to be on the Board of a local non-for profit Charity and I am so excited to help and expand their efforts to keep bringing Running to our community for the children :) Excited to see where this goes for me.

• I want to get certified with the USTF Track & Field as a Running Coach

• If I can get into a class (which is almost always booked and out of state) but I'd love to get Certified as a Running Coach Through RoadRunnersClub of America

• I hope to convince our Local YMCA to let me set up a Running Program through the YMCA and offer my help to people that want to learn how to run

So there you have it- I have a lot of personal Run Goals - Now here are my Personal

Fitness Goals-

• Keep gaining muscle

• tone up the mid section and back more

• get stronger with my agility and responsiveness

• complete 30 days of shred

• complete 60 days of Insanity

• complete a full hour of Yoga each week

Food Goals:

• Eat Cleaner

• save money on foods- by eating less packaged and learning to make/freeze my own goods

• Implement Meatless Mondays and Fish Fridays as part of my weekly menu

If you think this is a LOT of Work- it is :) If only you knew the other goals in my more personal life then you just might be blown away!

•Like Planning a Vow Renewal with My RunnerBoy for 2013 :)
•My Twins Start Pre-school
• I never know- I may be working by the end of 2012 as a Police Offer :)
• I am working on Schooling
• I have goals for house projects
• Financial Goal Setting
• Goals for my Children in regards to education and spending even more quality time with them
• I am hoping that 2012 I get my Tummy Tuck :)
• I Pay off my Van in 2012!! OMG_ One Less Car Payment- YES!
• Camping- I am going to Camp my Rear End off this coming Year- So Much Fun!
• I have A Goal to replace my veggie Garden with a Flower Garden :)
• I am personal Goals as a Photographer and I hope to keep booking photo shoots for family's ♥
• I have goals in spirituality- I hope to find a church for my family-

Lastly- this Blog and my Page on Facebook- it's all about Sharing and Celebrating Life- the Journey We all Take - I want it to be Bigger and Better so that we can all encourage, motivate and Empower Each Other to Life Life so Strong- and Love so Hard- and Laugh too, lol

Thanks for Reading- for Being a Part of my life- My Journey


  1. Great goals, Connie. I will try to incorporate some of your ideas into my goals. I know we can can do it. Thanks for sharing and continue your inspirational blogs and FB posts. It keeps me going.

  2. WOW!! you are so inspiring! bringing your 10:30 to an 8:20 is incredible to me! very impressive girl!! I think you will hit those goals this year! just keep working HARD!!!
