
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 31- MRI Update Again- Group Run

This Morning I took off with RunnerBoy to the LiverPool, NY Ymca- we met up with Kevin Collins who is the Coach for all the local Ymca's in the Syracuse Area. 2x weekly he travels to each Ymca and incorporates one day for Speed/tempo work and the other is a long distance run.
What's GREAT about Coach is he is simply INCREDIBLE!!! His running is amazing he is an Olympic Qualifier and has been running/winning his whole life. I just HAD to meet him. When we met...I was running our warm- up mile for today's Speed Drill Work. He ran up to me asked if I was new and I said "yes" and introduced myself. He explained how he would do his speed drills and then encouraged me to at least to do 2 sets of them because they are intense. I was excited.....intense...running..& Me...yeah...I LOVE THE SOUND OF THAT!!!
1 Mile Warm- up 9:20 pace- Grumpy knee- hates this slow pace (slow for me now....Marathon pace before...who knows what is is to me now) but my knee screams anger as I run softly and slow. I scoot off to the bathroom and miss my first part of the first set of drills....hey nature calls!! Thanks Coffee!
30 second sprint
60 second sprint
90 second sprint
30 second sprint
x 3 sets.
First Sets...Was hitting 5min miles....actually Kevin came up to me in the 60 second sprint- Said "Way to Go, keep Going, Keep Digging" and then FLEW past me, lmao.
By the 3rd set....I will NOT lie...I felt alive and know how long it's been since I've had a run where I felt like I wanted to puke and DIE? FOREVER!!! I was freaking loving that sickly got nothing left in me feeling as I was pushing to run sub 7min on the 3rd set ....cause the first two sets I was FAST....well for me anyways....there are a few good speedy runners in that group...gave me someone to run against!
Fun times! Got to stretch and talk with other area runners from the group afterwards and just warmed me to talk about my passion with other people (that are even better than me!!) ♥ My RunnerBoy was one of them...Color me Impressed, that RunnerBoy can SPRINT!! I'm looking down at a 5:15 pace and he is running fast ahead of me..gaining distance! WOW! And he has a head cold! Dang!
Went to Toy Shopping After my Shower up at the Gym- Thought my head my EXPLODE as I waited 20min in a SLOW checkout at ToysRuS...OMG....never again, lol
I had my appointment today. My Official sit down with the Doc to discuss the MRI and to give an update to how I am feeling the 3 weeks since the MRI. She asks how I am doing- I tell her the Faster I go the better I feel....I can get up wards of 3 miles and that's it right now. Told her the slower I go...the more pain I get...and sooner. She nods and agrees. Then I told her I've not gone to Therapy- as I am listening to my body and continuing on strengthening my quads/calves in the gym 3-4x weekly. Stretching *all though maybe not as MUCH as I realize now I should be* and Icing when I feel I need to. Ibuprofren before I run.
So here we go the results:
1) Some swelling around the ITB -
2) Low Grade to Intermediate Grade chondromalacia patellofemoral compartment, involving boththe trochlea and patella, with mild chondral narrowing and irregularity---------Lamens terms- Some wear and tear along the track of the kneecap- showing I am having an allignment problem causes the softening of the cartilage giving me knee pain.
3) small knee joint effusion- bottom line on this would be some water/fluid on the knee from the arthritic nature of the mis-allignment of the knee cap
4) Mild *YaY* Peritendinitis in the regions of the pes anserine tendons.
So Maybe I'm weepy all of sudden as I write down ALL OF THOSE PROBLEMS :*( But my Rational and Thankful to God Side- knows that I have NO tears and it's nothing that I can't work through ♥
Ok- So what I need to do:
RICE- Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate as I need
Strength train to keep strengthening the quads
STRETCH Like a Maniac
Strengthen my Hamstrings- Hamstring/ITB weakness/tightness plays a key role in the allignment of my knee- I have complained of my right hamstring all year! It's a no wonder my 4:23 Marathon Broke me!!
I will be contacted by a Sports Specialist that works with Performance issues of Athletes and he will professional evaluate my foot strike, stride/gait and make his recommendations!
I will go in and the Man will evaluate my stride, my foot landing *much more complex than at a fleet feet, which I will add I had my strike/pronation analyzed a couple of weeks go and we see no abnormal rolling in my shoes) but he will look scientifically and not just with a naked eye how I run.
I KNOW FOR A FACT that I know my push off is different from my right leg to the left. I know even now that the more I push off my right toes the more painful it is so I've learned to land more heal and push off on the outside of my right maybe I've got too much support in my shoes or not enough. I've considered that My stride/gait has changed since I've lost all my weight, gained a new form as I progressed my speed has to admit going from 10:15 typical miles in May all the way to 8:30 miles in just a few short months is a pretty rapid increase in pace- I think that new pace and plus when I'm hitting now- I'm either in desperate need of quick- you are doing that all wrong wake up call- or maybe it's as simple as strengthening and getting different shoes.
Thanks for Everybody for being there for me the last 6 weeks. I've had some dull achey hearted moments as I yearn for what I love best 10-15 mile runs but I've actually surprised myself a lot how I've embraced other fitness and been behaving myself with control with my running. I've ran just 45 miles since Marathon and that's not too bad considering they are all just 1-3 mile run occasions, lol. but I've learned alot lately. I know through self discovery and even chatting with new running friends today at the run group or even looking at my facebook running friends that the fear of never running again is Just NOT the case. I need to understand that I can be fit and healthy and keep my weight in check and maintain my 150+lb weight loss by doing all sorts of healthy fitness things that I can also enjoy *not love...lets not get crazy now, bwhahaha* but I can enjoy them and I can manage my way through this.
I have my wings for life- no matter how long it takes me to recover- I will....and today ...I see the direction I need to go in and I'm so hopeful for a speedier recovery and when I come back...Watch out...Boston BQ you may not be that too far away for me! One Day, I know it!

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