
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Recovery Day 3 -


Arm Curl routine for 2 sets
110lb arm pulldown for x10
55lb ab crunches for 4 min
3/4 mile walk- LOTS OF STRETCHES *an attempt to run, too much pain in the right leg*
35-40min spin class- opened up the leg muscles, get them contracting and the blood flowing through them again. I did some speed and only challenged my legs to tad bit of resistance. Lots of in and out of the saddle to really get the legs/hips opened up. I was walking better afterwards!



Mixed Nuts & dried fruit-280
1/4 apple-25
4 breaded nuggets-200
Greek yogurt-130
grilled mixed veggies w/ olive oil - 60
80/20 Organic Beef burger-200
100 calorie muffin-100
1 slice of low sodium bacon-30
1 slice of 2% cheese-50
1 cup of cantalope-75
1 1/2 cups dry cereal-180
dark chocolate-190
coffee- 140


Wow, Way too Much Late Night Munching with the cereal/popcorn/chocolate....ooops!
Going to have to nip that in the bud!

I have been making my new plans for a while of what my fitness goals were going to be after Marathon. I knew all the ways I was going to work on being a smarter runner which includes more rest, better recovery practices like stretching/foam rolling etc but I've also been thinking of my plans to to get to 145 (if it's even possible with my height/frame and muscle building!!) but to see 149 is at least the goal. I know that if I can focus on reducing my calories again I can easily do it.
I let go of any thoughts of getting to 149 while training for the marathon. It was much too difficult to punish my mental well being for not hitting weight loss goals when my focus was on eating well for recovery and good running. Long distance running and my weight lifting caused me to propel up and down the scale ALOT and I stopped weighing myself everyday. I needed that freedom. but now that's it's all over. I'm uncomfortable. I hit 154 then went back to 158 within 2 weeks and then up to 162...which was my race weight. When I hit Marathon in May 2012 I want to be 140's something. there is NO reason to not get there. My cardio and strength training will get me fairly quickly. when I want something...I know how to get it. So I'm going for it.

If you are reading this and want to work on a holiday challenge with me then be prepared. November first I'll be creating and implementing the plan to get me through the holidays. So whether you want to maintain, lose, or get stronger then join me!

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