
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Autumn's Full House Run

I spent my day burning some calories with tickling baby belly's and squeezing my peeps tight!hhhmmm!!! I love these kids ♥

Then I spent the afternoon weeding some more and busted out the push mower and took care of Business...In Pure Connie Diva Fashion....Keep on Staring World...This Running Momma does her own lawn work....BOOM! Listen that's one thing I learned when I was raised and that was called 'living' and that included daily dishes and weekly house chores and that also included mowing the lawn! Push Mower...for about 1.5hrs once a week!! So I'm totally not afraid to mow my own lawn. Good Way to regain your life back ladies....we don't need NO MAN! Got hear me?!! I plunge my own shit clogged toilets, I'll change a tire....I'll check my oil....I'll repair a drain pipe....I'll do most any handy dandy thing a man can do around here! As a Landlord I've certainly learned how to teach myself to do lots of home repairs. I take pride in that. I love listening to friends complain when their husbands have not done something and often some won't tell me at all because they KNOW what I'm gonna say....."DO IT YOURSELF" !! It's part of taking care of yourself. It's ownership of your life. It's the need to STOP expecting shiz from people. Got me! Stop! Stand up and do it yourself. Yes I know there are gender roles and yes I know you are busy and yes maybe it's what is part of their 'role' around the house to do very specific things but really if you get to a point where it's not getting done and it causes you frustration or upset then rise up and do it yourself. Much like losing weight....stop blaming other people. Maybe there are people in your life/home that you can point the finger at and have very specific reasons why they sabotage your willingness to succeed. Take back the control and start right now for you! With Everything in life!
Stepping down off my lecturing soap box now :)

My Husband came home from work and I'm so happy to have blue sky's and a huge desire to stay outside and enjoy the Fall weather ♥ He wanted to run....I wanted to run so we brainstormed and we thought...let's ALL GO TOGETHER!

Yes! So we busted out the double jogger and the single jogger and we took the peeps with us!

4.25 miles later I report an easy run where my body felt 'blah' but my mind felt 'great' and we all super enjoyed the leisure 'jog' with the kids.

4.25 miles at a 10:13 pace which is respectable. I pushed the single with my AllyCat and that was about 65lbs pushing and Don had the double with Austyn & Whitney for about 110lbs

Best part of the run is when my husband said "lets go the other way and climb that really big hill on the way home" and I said "no legs are dead...I'll meet you on the other side" and then he said "well I want the challenge" ............Oh My I think that then became my challenge! So I said 'screw' it and I took and went 'his' way and I climbed that dam steep 1/4 mile Bitch and when I got to the top after he somehow raced to the top and he said I'm proud of you for not walking....EXCUSE ME? WALK....I WOULD NEVER WALK.... I NEVER WALK ANYMORE ......IF YOU SAW ME WALKING IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY DYING! HAHAHA!

He said you gave a good effort today....and I say....No I did not. Today was not about effort. Today was about being out there and enjoying a slow pace and my jogger slowed me down and I'm grateful for that. My right leg is SORE still and I'm on a week if acting too sore for my liking.

Tmrw will be a rest day!

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