
Friday, September 23, 2011

13.1 Personal BEST *cat's meow*

Today I ran a Half Marathon Training Run.

Goal: Faster than Race Pace Half

Weather: Perfect, cold morning set out about 6:20am and it was still dark out so I geared up into some cold gear long sleeve and my compression shorts. The crescent moon shined down upon me as I greeted the morning chilly air. It was GREAT feeling to be out there. I was feeling 'alright' as I woke up at 4:45am. I was so tired last night and went to bed just before Midnight and was awaken at 3am with a tenant walking into the main foyer and then I had a funky dream and so I sorta slept through part of the alarm but I managed to get out of bed and then whine and moan to myself because my right hip flexor is so SORE! Like OMG...why? But I ignored it as much as I started to mentally play with the idea of being ok with a shortened run because of a potential injury.

I always know by about mile 4 how the remainder of a run is going to go based upon the first four. If I'm feeling energy, no worry about side stitches or an inability to breathe right or if my stride is off then I'll have a great run.

Today I felt AMAZING! the niggle in my hip flexor only started to nag about mile 7 and that was when I had to pause the garmin for a stop light. I started to stretch at the light and my right leg started to scream at me and I was like 'shut up' leg and just RUN!

This route I took had some hills and Garmin reports over 900ft accent climb and that makes me happy to conquer the distance in a NEW PR with some hills to add sprinkles to the wondrous glory of my run today!

I worked on negative splits again on this run. I showed where about the half way point is and you can see even with some minor inclines/traffic I managed a great negative split on this run today! As a matter of fact I caught 10.1 miles at 1:30 so I knew I had just 26 min to get in under my last PR and so today I ran 3 miles in 24:30 so a great kicker to end that Half Marathon Distance!

I love getting stronger/faster....Hot Dam so Proud of Myself on this one! Boom Boom Baby!

13.1 in 1:54:30 for a 8:44 pace!! WOW!
Now I'm just the cat's meow...ow! *wink...bruno mars/eminem*

Recovery: Ice bath and I won't lie....I AM SORE AS HECK in Right Quad & Right Hip Flexor. I wonder how recovery is going to be from this one!

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