
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Turning Stone Half Marathon Results

I went to bed last night and did a little extra carb load....whole wheat waffles! WRONG! That settled so wrong in my belly that I was up 2x last night in pain. I was bloated and needed to go potty but the guts were not budging. I suppose calorie cutting and reducing the foods made the guts empty so when I cycle back up on rest days be sure I restore my glycogen storage...well it made the guts full and that made me uncomfy and in gut pain.

So I woke up in pain...desperate for action in the bathroom, lmao.
but NO!

I decide there is NO way to eat now...I'm already bloated and refluxing the single cup of coffee I had this morning (totally sux cause I always run on 2 cups of MojO!)

Take my shower...ride over with Runner Boy and his Running Partner and spent time amazed at the sunrise...I won't was so flippin' gorgeous...A great sign that it was going to be a beautiful day indeed...a little cautious cause the sun was RED in the morn and I don't know if you all know the saying "Red in the Morn..Sailors Take Warn" So that red sun = rain least at some point today.
I definitely thought of all my Western Friends as they shot me the sun today! Thanks! It was gorgeous and I enjoyed that hour drive to the Event!

We did a warm-up...a couple last minute potty breaks.

Met up with another Running Friend!

Ran into a Facebook CalorieCounterRunnerGirl at the Race! Thanks for coming up to me! It was so nice to meet you and get to share the we are all somehow connected in this great big world...through this computer and we all touch each other and share life and we got to share this race! I can't wait to catch up on how you did! Your First Half! AWESOME!

We start...8am...overcast now and a bit of wind and not so hott....SCORE!

Let's fast forward to mile 3....dam you HILL...side stitch till mile 4.5 and I was in PAIN...I suck...made me realize that even though I do hillwork at least once a weak...It's still my weakness.

Mile 8....feeling great! All the way up till now I'm holding a sub 9min pace and Runner Boy is having the best time running faster than me and then stopping to take my picture. Hot Dam...thanks Papparazzi boy! I gotta love ya for doing that for me! The pick me up and smiles back = to my smiles was GREAT!

but out of no-where my left calve started hurting...ok maybe it was not out of no-where...remember I told you ....that calve twinge...yeah I feel it and especially since I've hit all these dam hills (hey they never said it was going to be this hilly...they are not huge...but they are L O N G ) WTF! but I have no just dig and run them!

My calve is guts are shutting down and I think...shoot I should of ate something cause I'm feeling WEAK! So dam slow and lethargic feeling. Was I still running a 9min pace I'd ask Runner Boy cause the WHOLE time he had the watch...but he'd say....8:50...then I would bounce to a 9:20 then gain some strength and hit an 8:30 ...OMG...I was a hott mess and I was all over the place with pace- the slower pace = my pain...the stronger pace=my passion and desire to run that shit as best I could.

mile 9...i was going to pass out...what was my problem...I've never felt this I slammed the very thing I was weary of...gatorade...SUGAR! I needed sugar! 2 cups of the Gatorade and more water........

mile 11...another hill...omg...shoot me...remind you...LOTS OF HILLS. but the crazy thing was they were never steep...just so dam long....which just equals more torture for the tight/aching left calve. Dam you leg! lmao.

mile 12...Runner Boy says "C'mon Babe...lets bring it in" so I threw on some Boom Boom and Ran it dam strong and probably so dam slow...but none the less...hand in hand...I crossed with Runnerboy and about collapsed at the finish from feeling so dizzy and weak...I have NEVER felt this before! I literally had to hold onto him to walk...grabbed a full bottle of whateverade and threw myself on the ground and sat in the rain (it has just started sprinkling!) Then I tried to recovery with a bagel and thought I'd barf that up...what a hott mess!

*TIP NEWBIES* NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL IN THE MORNING...FUEL YOURSELF...YOUR BLOOD SUGAR WILL CRASH * Even after being a runner now for almost 1yr 9months...I still learned a newbie mistake I should of known all along!

2:01 with a few seconds...waiting for official results.

I didn't get under 2 hrs like I wanted and toward the end I knew that...I was just happy to have fought my every desire to walk as my body shut was about physical pain and mental strength. our minds can carry us through and just like Eminem's Till I collapse song *gosh I LOVE this song*

‎'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse

I cry now...cause I was so weak and I really wanted to quit and walk...I was about to collapse from the weakness in my body...but I fought that shit and I stuck with it! Why? Cause as I sit here...I have no regrets!

When you feel weak...I don't want you to give up...I want you to dip deep and I just want you to pull that shit out of you and not be a quitter.....if that means slow down...then slow down....but just don't give up!

♥SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO RUNNER BOY♥ I am humbled you wanted to let go of an obvious sub 1:45 first half marathon...for me...for us....Wow, What can I say. Thank You. You picked me lifted me when I was took a thousand pictures and ran ahead and stopped and were my lil photography boy! Yes, I will forgive you for running backwards, skipping in your run as I dug deep and I will forgive you when you said "I just don't understand" 3x, lmao *asshole* but you know...I told you to "shut the fudge up" it was out of love. You ran with me cause you love me. You encouraged me cause you love me. You wanted me to be strong...cause you know I'm a strong runner, you were confused on why I was so weak today and I felt a tad sad I let you down and wished I gave you a greater run with where we could hold a steady pace and just have FUN! I guess after mile 8...I was not so much fun, lmao. But at the end of it all...we held hands and we got through this tough race like we get through all tough things in our life....together...16+ years of ups and downs and I just hope that I can run with you again someday and be strong for you the whole time!

1 comment:

  1. I will take this with me (figuratively) in four weeks on my 13.1. Bless you Connie! Keep doin' whatchu doin'! :-) Muuwaahhh!
