
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sweet & Sour Chinese Chicken Dinner

I have been craving a Chinese meal for about a week now. If I hit up the local buffet, I have enough willpower to portion control (you may be careful of this temptation!) but I can NOT control how they make, which include the use of hydrogenated oils.....MSG....SODIUM..SODIUM..SODIUM...CAT?! lol,No I'm joking about the cat part (or am I?)

You can purchase and use low sodium soy or Chinese flavored sauces. I personally love and use LaChoy's Sweet And Sour for about the Past Decade and I love it. Even with the lifestyle change it still worked within a reasonable calorie/sodium content that made me comfortable!

Biggest Part about making all these sorts of meals is you can design them anyway you want! Buy frozen mix veggies and throw in a sauce, saute and add a brown rice and BAM...there you go! Buy Fresh or use up stock in the fridge to create your edible creation!

*Use a healthy oil* Today I used Sesame Oil Sesame oil is a source of vitamin E.[13] Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant and has been correlated with lowering cholesterol levels.[14] As with most plant based condiments, sesame oil contains magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. Copper provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Magnesium supports vascular and respiratory health. Calcium helps prevent colon cancer, osteoporosis, migraine, and PMS. Zinc promotes bone health.

Here is my fresh ingredient list!

Instant Brown Rice....then tossed in skillet with tblsp of sesame oil and stir-fried with fresh celery, onion, pepper, carrot chopped.

White thin pasta topped with fresh sprouts and 1/4 cooked egg scrambled *I mixed my sauce in for flavor..Yum*

Sweet and Sour Sauce smothered over fresh cooked chicken breast, fresh broccoli, mini corn, fresh portabello mushrooms

The whole meal only took about 30 min to prep and make!

Ok...Lots of food and likely way too much for some people if you are trying diligently to portion thing to do is learn to self control by taking control. I do this by always leaving food on my plate! I grew up and lived my life cleaning my plate just because it tasted good and I didn't want to waste! I've changed that and I take satisfaction with walking away with food left on it. Try it....see if this works for you! I bet you'll love the satisfaction of winning against the food! Listen if you eat it all...then fine...what delish and healthy food to fuel your mind and body!

Nutritional Facts!
550 Calories for the plate!
Under 750mg of sodium!

Just a little mindful to my Poly Cystic Ovarian Cysters...this is not that friendly in the carb department with the ratio proportions! Being the chicken is the only true protein with light use of oil for fats!

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