
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jumping puddles for Five...1 of 3 posts today!

Jumping Puddles:
Still wave on wave of tummy aches/pains. Is this the Chia and backing me up? Is this a tummy viral? Is this my abs mad at me from all my hardcore working out? Not sure...but with today being day 3 of not feeling the best I am stopping chi to see if this is the problem. I tried it last year for a was ok as I said....however I felt a little 'bound' up on it.

Waited till this evening to run as I wanted the tummy pains gone but they continued.

So in True Warrior Diva in Marathon #2 Training...I forged out for some miles.

It was a nice rain and so cool...I really wished I was running a LR in weather like this! Not torrential rain but a gentle downpour and so dam REFRESHING!

My first 2 miles were tough...tummy and back ached a bit and mustered 2 in 19:30 for a pathetic 9:45 mile. Then I did my MoJo Boom Kick Pepe Talk and said suck it up and Kick it! So that's what I did. Finished my 5 miles in 45:30 for about a 9:06 pace. So GREAT Negative Split...BOOM!

Still tummy feels 'off & achey'

Left sinus feeling full like I have a mini sinus cold coming on.


Tried to take Benny for his training run and that was DISASTROUS! he was so hyper having been chained up in the yard, next time I take him out after I have spent some time with him!

Ok. so what I LOVED about my run today besides the rain and cool summer air was jumping puddles! Oh Gosh YES! Nothing like running fast and coordinating a great big JUMP over one! Fly like a Gazelle!

Weight today: 157.5 (-1.5)
Fitness yesterday: 2 mile run, 1.5 mile family hike, 3 one minute planks
Cals yesterday: 1600
Food yesterday:
B: organic egg, fat free cheese half slice, 100 calorie high fiber English muffin
L: Whole Wheat Toast with real Jam
S: 1 cup Fruit loop cereal
D: 2 slices of Pizza Hut Pizza Hut! First Pizza in MONTHS! Yum!
S: air popped popcorn and dark chocolate mini morsels

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