
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bruno Mars- you got me twisted

I woke up various times last night...not sure why ....felt like ...something was spiritually keeping me awake, hitting up the potty alot and wondering why I couldn't settle I was beginning to get a headache. I tried to sleep on my right side and just make my head comfortable as the neck was starting to get some tension in it as well.

So I woke with a headache and my neck aching.

I was so tempted to text my old running partner that hit me up with a text to run with her today. I wanted to so bad to tell her that I ran 18,3,5 and today would be so much harder because I had a headache and was tired from lack of consistent sleep.

However, I drank a cup of Mojo and ate a some flax oatmeal and was out the door.

Our first two miles was a very slow, tight and hard 10:15 miles. I explained to her that I was feeling like a 'hott mess' today because of not giving myself a rest day, having a headache, being tired/tight/sore etc. she is so Godly and she forgives me and was so supportive and said she too didn't sleep well either.

Mile 2 I stopped at the gas station, hit up the potty and got a good stretch in. So needed, I was so TIRED and clammed up those first two miles, my heart rate was higher than normal for the slow pace too.

but after that I forced a faster pace ......and really about mile 3-5 my headache was gone, I was running a 9:30 in comfort and was holding such great friendly conversation that as I reflect I barely running two miles, lol.

The last mile we picked it up a bit and finished 6 miles strong For a totl of 6 in 56min for 9:35 miles

I did need a major stretch as my left leg just behind the knee and along the calve I believe a tendon was really tight/sore and I almost started limping toward the end of my 6 miler.

Now it feels good.

It was great running with a friend, good conversation, blue skies, great weather, head ache gone and body opened back up ♥

Drove a block away to the gym and did 35min of Pilates Class

25 min of strength training after that.

Now I sit here conflicted because Bruno Mars is playing at the State Fair for Free tmrw yet I really want to enjoy the Fair today with my family.

I heard this song on the way home from my 2 hr work-out today.

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is
I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

Then I was thinking I was so tired that this Bruno Song inspired my must need for rest trmw will I will be singing

Then I felt sad because I was spiritually and emotionally feeling lonely today and really wished Bruno would sing me this song today.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the friend request on fb. Congrats on your amazing transformation and dedication. Amazing. Stop by my blog anytime at

    Jughugs, Kirsten
