
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Run

So when I was told to switch up my Long Run I grew frustrated and ever since I've been debatable on when I would run. With the long day of today because I got 5hrs of sleep and celebrated with a huge breakfast and birthday presents this morning just I intended. there was never going to be a 14 mile run. I am a Mother Before I am a Runner! Bottom Line! My kids are first always in my life ♥ So spent the morning with them as I should! Then we took off and played and had dinner out as a family. Then I decided to run, with the desire to run whatever felt good to me. So I ran 4, quick 2 miles out and back toward home. I could have gone which is the point? I will have hit my mileage for the week after my Long Run which I predict will take place on Sunday...just not sure if morning or night? I prefer mornings but we are suppose to go Camping...but then again....Marathon training dictates my life once a again! This time around, training is much more difficult. The heat, the humidity, the accommodations for my husbands running and his running partners work schedule...yeah hard stuff!

My run felt great, I felt some tightness in my right quad.....and a re-occurrence of the right knee ache. I begin to wonder now if it's an IT band tightness and when stretched out I'm good and when I'm not and sore then it nags the knee? Who knows!

Humid and warm but it easy peasy and as the first 3 done in a gentle 28min and the last mile got me under 35:35 so it was a FAST Last Mile! I worked on speed pace Baby, Boom

Today's Song dedicated to Nicki Minaj Super Bass!
Love this dam song!

Woke up in weight...a whopping 160.5 BUT I know I was feeling so SORE today...I am pushing myself and my body is reflecting the deep need for REST! when I gain and I'm hydrated and I'm eating healthy it's muscle soreness! So I am going to listen! Whats Great is after this I will be dropping fast...probably be hitting 156 this week cause that's' how my body works! Gets mad and swells up and then I get my 'swoosh' on the scale! Bring it!

B: 2 whole wheat pancakes, 2tablespoon pure maple syrup, 3 slices of low sodium bacon, organic sausage link, 1 egg!!! boom boom birthday breakfast! yum!
L: Chobani Greek yogurt
D: Grilled Chicken on whole wheat roll with lettuce/tomato/bacon/fat free honey mustard dressing, broccoli, corn on the cob
S: 1/4 of my kids birthday cupcake and about 6 bites of my kids hot brownie sundae at Dinner ♥ Had plans for that one all week..Yum! ♥

Fitness: 4 mile run
Calories: 1600 (yesterday was 1600 in too)
Water: 65oz
Weight: 160.5 (+1)

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