
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CrossTraining Maniac

I knew I was going to work-out today. I've not rested in well over a week. Each day promising some sort of activity (running) or weight training. Today was go to be no different. I'm a bit obsessed right now with feeling good and hitting my newest goal of 154!

So on Facebook another runner friend was unsure whether she was going to crossramp 3 miles or run. Well I challenged her to to crossramp, knowing she has an 8 miler coming up I was going to secretly encourage to crosstrain and save those running muscles for this weekend! (I wonder if you will read this..boom! haha!) Ok, so I challenged her! Do 3 fast miles on the crossramp at a 2% resistance and get your time! So that's what I did and I'll update later how she made out with our little fun challenge! *update she did really and did a kickbutt 4 miles and other work today today! Boom!*

So Today here is my crazy antics! Ready?

3 miles on the crossramp in 15:41
1 mile additional on crossramp for cool down in 6 min
20 arm curls on each side with 15lbs weights
1/2 mile run at 7:40 pace
5min rowing going about 1000meters
quads at 60lbs x 10 each leg
Lat pull downs at 80lbs x 15
30 ab crunches with 65lb weights
25 ab crunches with 50lb weights
20 arm curls on each side with 15lbs weights
obliques on each side with 80lb weights x10
back press with 80lbs x 20
1/2 mile run at 7:20 pace

Felt like an ANIMAL TODAY...ROAR!

Wore Don's Ipod for different music and we will dedicate this work-out to this Boom Song that just got me Poppin!

Lollipop by Lil Wayne

Yeah! Yeah! Boom!

B: RAVENOUS! 4 whole wheat waffles with pure maple syrup, coffee
L: Chobani & cashews
D: Reduced sodium bacon, spinach, tomato, lowfat mayo on toasted soft rye, 1.25 cups of fresh cut cantaloup and 1/4 cup of lowfat cottage cheese. YUM!

Fitness: 1 mile run sprint, 4 miles on ArcTrainer, strength training
Cals: 1300
Water: 60...need to drink 20 more!
Weight: 158

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