
Saturday, February 15, 2014

For the Broken Hearted

My heart is full but aches for those out there that are out there in the world suffering this Valentines Day.  A message from the Lord to the brokenhearted, lost, lonely this Valentines Day.

He has come to write upon your heart, to remind you of who HE is and what he Will do for you!

You may not want to open your heart to it, but hear the Scriptures Clearly

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" Psalm 34:18

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3

Greatest News is that the Prophet Isaiah spoke of God's anointed one- Jesus Christ who would come to                      " bind up the brokenhearted,
                     to proclaim freedom for the captives
                 and release from darkness for the prisoners"

God can heal your broken heart! You just need to hand it over to him! We can't do it on our own, we can't find the Kind of Super Natural Love that flows from God. Broken hearted, broken spirits, bound up in hurts from the past, rejections and poor self reflections have bound up his people and he wants you more than ever to be healed and set free! 

Feel the chains fall away, feel the heaviness fall. There is freedom and love that of which you may have never encountered before waiting for you! Surrender your heart to the Lord, open it up and tell him to take all the pain and hurt! 

Pray with me this prayer if you need the Lord to make your Heart Whole, 

Lord Jesus, you are so amazing to me. What you have done 2000 years ago transcends all time, you not only died for me on the cross for sins but you handed me the over the key to heaven on Earth, where we find freedom from bondage, loneliness and heartbreak. I need you Lord to take away my pain, I need you Lord to supernaturally put my heart back together, I grieve Lord and need you to be Free, wash me in the blood and make me white from the inside out. I need a new heart God and you can give that to me. A heart that feels more without fear, a heart that beats louder and stronger than ever before. I want to feel love again, I want to feel whole again! I only need you God and  I praise your mighty name for the manifestation that I know will take place because your word is Truth and promises!  Bind up my wounds dear Lord, stay close to me throughout my days, never let me feel alone ever again. Just as I ask you to come in closer to me, I too will come in closer to you too! Lord your word says that your UNFAILING LOVE surrounds me if I trust you! Lord, I'm giving you all my heart is in your hands to fix and put back together again. All my hope is in YOU! How priceless your unfailing love, oh Dear God, Thank You and we Love You! 

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