
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Overcoming Temptation from food

13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

In the journey to use our faith to deter us from gluttonous ways we are always in temptation. It's our culture and it's the American (and often Worldly) way. We celebrate with food, we comfort ourselves with food, we eat out of boredom and we indulge when it just tastes so great. Temptations come from advertising, smells, enriched foods not in it's natural taste that heighten to the maximum the sweetness that leaves the brain and body alluring for more. What does your heart truly desire though? What about your soul?  

Temptations are going to happen. It will then become a matter of what we do from that temptation. Often we promise and vow to God that we will sustain. I've read and heard from countless that they submit and then repent for their unwilling flesh. However I urge you to deeply remember that you have a willing soul and  that it wants to connect you to God's word and his promise. 1st Corinthians could be use more wildly than the discussion of food. Such as idolatry, addictions and deeper rooted sinful natures beyond a food addiction. However it deems just as serious to me and to those that battle food addictions. How do we trust in our God to provide and deliver us from that temptation? 

We know we are of the flesh it becomes our scape goat to commit the sin and quickly repent. God wants better of us. He wants us to listen to him, read his word and speak to him in your heart for when you are tempted he will provide a way out and or help you endure. Can you trust in that? We must it's apart of our Faith. 

Ask yourself as you stand before each temptation "Is this time to celebrate?" "Can I indulge and have moderation?" and begin to speak the truth that you fully trust that God will provide you  away to hold true that he will be enough for your craving soul. 

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