
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Inspirational T-Shirt Give-Away!



Keira is my energetic, smart, and (usually) sweet 6 year old. She inspires me, brings me so much joy, and makes me better in so many ways. Just like all good parents, I want her to grow to be a happy, healthy, educated, motivated girl with a high level of self-esteem and awareness.
I always read from successful entrepreneurs that you need to do what you’re passionate about. After my NBA and pro beach volleyball careers didn’t work out, it hit me when I read an article about the infamous “I’m too pretty to do my homework so my brother has to do it for me” t-shirt. Being a father, I was just as upset to see this as many other women and parents were. I thought to myself, “There needs to be more clothing with messages and themes that align with the values I desire for Keira, and all girls and women out there.” A powerful brand that promotes optimism, confidence, independence and self-worth! So there it was, the perfect intersection of my passions for being a father and inspiring others!
Clothing is such a strong form of expression and brands can create such a strong feeling, vision, and image. I truly feel what we wear can have an impact in our actions and thoughts. And positive thoughts can change our lives! I simply do not want to see vanity, greed, and materialism replacing respect, self-awareness, integrity, and character. Helping create and sustain a generation of girls and women that fully accept and believe in who they are is of the greatest importance to us. We are a young company, so your support of our vision and message goes a long way and is greatly appreciated!!!

- Kevin Wagstaff, Founder

I Feel Inspired and Ready to Keep Inspiring

Sports Tank
Great Inspirational T-Shirts
Just Like this One
Keira's Kollection Wants You to Feel Inspired too so they are going to Give You a Free T-shirt!
Rules for the Give-Away
  1. Go to and "Like" their Page- Write on their Wall and let them know CCRG Sent you!
  2. Sign up to Follow Me here on the Blog via E-mail or by the Blogger Following List
  3. Leave Me a Message here that you would love to Inspire yourself and someone else with a T-shirt from this Inspirational clothing collection 


  1. Would love one of these inspirational tees!

  2. I would love to inspire myself to move to a healthy lifestyle but also so i can be an inspiration to my daughter!!! I would love to win one of the inspirational tees!!

  3. I'm the girl that my friends/family/coworkers view as "the optimistic one". Lol I LOVE inspiring people and one of these t-shirts would only emphasize that! =)

  4. I love being positive and inspiring others to keep a positive outlook. We need to build each other up.

  5. Liked Keira's Kollection page. Follow your blog.
    Would love to sport this great t-shirt to inspire myself and anyone who sees me in it. :-)

  6. I would love to rock one of these fabulous t-shirts! What a great give-away!

  7. I would love to be inspired by wearing this awesome t-shirt, and would love to inspire one of my friends with it too! These shirts are so cute! (Patricia Furner)

  8. Love your shirts. My friend Mary and I would love these as we work our way into shape

  9. Love the shirts at Keira's Kollection! My niece, Shana, and I would totally rock the "Be Confident, Be Different, Be Yourself" shirt! We are just getting into running and have the dream of one day having a girls' getaway to Vegas for the Rock and Roll Marathon!

  10. Yes I would love one ! I have been told I have inspired others to get healthy and that really humbles me.

  11. Liked your page...following your blog ....
    I would love to have one of your shirts for me and a friend of mine....we need the inspiration and motivation....

  12. I love the shirts. Thanks for inspiring us, Connie.

  13. I LOVE this shirt!!! We are HUUUUGE girl power people at our house...I come from a long line of strong, independent women :) lol
