
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Empire State Marathon 2012 Results

Sending a Kiss to my Lord & Savior
Blessed to Run 26.2 Miles No matter My Pace!
I can Do Everything Through You which Strengthens Me

WOW.....The last personal post I made was an update about my CPT and before that My Last Marathon which was WineGlass September 30th.

What happened in my personal life sent me into a whirlwhind of Life Chaos, heart ache and intense feelings.

On the week to my recovery from WineGlass Marathon I did some light recovery running- I was hurting in the legs so I was not too eager to get back into running....then by the time I was ready my family was overcome with deep grief because we tragically lost my brother in law. In a nutshell he passed from ulcers that he never knew he had. He was vomiting blood badly, he blood sugar was sky high and they found on an endoscopy that he had a hole in his stomach and small intestine that caused him to have severe internal bleeding where he had four blood transfusion. He had surgery to repair the holes but he never recovered. While incubated his body began to shut down, his kidneys and before we could start dialysis he coded; the first time they brought him back the second time we lost him. There was so much praying and heart ache for me. David was my brother in law but he was my brother. I have spent 17 1/2 years with him in my life. We spent a lot time together and he loved my children immensely. We will miss him most when we go trick or treating this week (he always loved to go with us or at the least see the kids as we went to his hometown to go trick or treating) Christmas time he always went with us to Lights on the Lake and well....he was my husbands brother and they were always close. He was like His father and he always was there for him and us. We lived with him a couple of months as we transitioned from one home to another. We worked on his house and he worked on ours. Just lots of memories and a life cut way too short, 47 years young.

The One thing that has pulled us through has been our New Faith. The Idea that he is in Heaven (which he so deeply believed he was going) and we are actually excited for him; he loved the idea of heaven and re-uniting with all of our loved one past. We take huge comfort in knowing that we will see him again some day.

Doused in lots of family dramatics on both our sides; it's been a difficult few weeks emotionally.

With ease to my surprise my Running & Personal Fitness took a Back seat to more pressing issues with dealing with Family issues. Maybe last year I would of freaked out and ran all the time to seek comfort. This year I can rest and take care of my heart and emotions on a different level; a spiritual one. For that I've grown as a Christian.

I ran a much needed 7 miler with my husband just 2 days before the funeral and then the next week I ran a 7 miler and then a double run day with a 3 miler with my husband and 3 miler with a friend to help her train for a 8k.

I thought a couple weeks ago that I would run Empire State HALF Marathon. Despite an achey left foot from the last Marathon I signed up for the FULL.

Why? Every time I settled on the Half in my heart; it nagged at me. There was nothing about that decision that sat right with me. I yearned for 26.2. It was not even to set a PR either cause I'm content with a 4:13 a few weeks ago. It was redemption? This course caused me severe knee tendinitis last year. To the point where my running didn't return to any sort of normal for at least 6 weeks. I wanted to run this course and I wanted to run "free" I would aim to come in around 2:01 for the first Half and then let the course do what it may to me at the end.

Empire State Marathon October 21st 2012
Temps: Sunshine- Windy up to 10-15mph coming out of the north/west
about 40's at the start
Ending about 50 at the finish

Mile 1-9  I felt Great- My garmin going kept my pace at a steady comfy 9:10-9:15 where moments I was at an 8:30 and had to slow up ....just felt that Great!

Mile 9- Garmin died- On comes the first of many long enduring hills. Feeling Great and did my first GU tossed last years marathon shirt as my throw away!

Mile 11- Ipod Shuffle Dies (just bought the dang thing too!) Still feel good!

Mile 13.1 - Split 2:03 ....I'm feeling "hungry" at that point,lol ...emotionally I'm feeling like "ah shit...let the fun begin" because I would need to eat another 6 miles of daunting inclining hill territory before I can take reprieve in a flat last 6.

Mile 16- I thought I had to go potty so I hit up the porty real quick- noticed  first bleeding on my thighs- must of chaffed - had no idea! I was not hurting- but I was bloody so in order to not look like a runnerchick on her rag that was leaking- I took toilet paper and spit and cleaned up my legs (OMG!) and instead of having to Poop I did a Huge long Fart, bwahhaha- glad my guts weren't shutting down!
Chaffed on both legs. I never had this happen but I did wear my shorter compressions on this Marathon- Vain...I like the way my legs look in them (well BEFORE the chaffe)

Mile 16-20 legs are tired from hills but I'm back to flat .........(Tried my Ipod Shuffle and Miraculously it worked!!!) Yay for music- this is a lonely 6 miles for this marathon- in a park not much crowd support.

Mile 22- 26.2 My legs did what happened last year at the exact same point- QUAD SPASMS. From spasm number one I threw my time right out the window! I stopped ....I stretched....I massaged. Sometimes the spasm would last 1min other times just 30 seconds. But I had to stop a LOT.  So Why Stop? Last Year I ran through them. I walked through them. This is exactly what I think caused my severe knee damage last year. This Year there would be No way I would let that happen (if I could try something different and pray) It was tough only because for miles I played cat and mouse with these runnergirls that were likely running a steady 10:30-11min mile. I would stop ....let the spasm stop and then I'd run my normal pace and then pass them and then stop......they would catch up and pass me and they would look at me like "WTF" and even said a couple times "are you ok?" .....that was thoughtful of them if they only understood I could run normal without spasms yet stopped when they bounced in my legs like an ocean of waves. Just like last year- both quads around the knees .....

Second Half Split time 2:27

Total Marathon Time 4:30
No where close to even this course time last year at 4:23 and a far cry from a couple weeks ago where I ran 26.2 with complete ease at 4:13

I'm smiling though cause I Ran another Marathon! No matter what I ran 26.2 miles!!! Running a Marathon or any long distance run especially when I'm likely  2-5 years from a potential Boston Qualifying time is that I enjoy myself!

Recovery: TOUGH- Just as soon as I passed the finish line  I ate a mini bagel....and took off for home. My husband was there and the kids at home with a sitter. I was eager to warm up ....I wore summer like running gear (throw away shirt for the first 9 miles)
However but because I suffer from Cold Urticaria (where I swell and hive from colder temperatures) my lips and mouth started swell up on the drive home. During the last couple of miles I started to itch while running. I didnt' think anything of it but I was itching my neck, back, waist and armpits while running.
On the drive home- I was going NUTS- my head,ears, back,stomach legs...all red and itchy. I was going frantic in panic. My mouth swelled huge and my lips looked like I had botox. I thought I  was going to have to go to the Emergency Room .........Not connecting still it was sensitivity to the cold I was not sure if was from too much sodium or some problem from hydration (too much or too little?)  When I finally got home and got in the warm shower did all my symptoms go away. Very Scary for me though. In winter I get all the other symptoms just never had my mouth swell before. Thankfully it was not worse as sometimes the swelling can go into airways and then I'd be in a heap of trouble.

Last Year Crossing in Agony and Pain
Passing the finish line this year with a SMILE-
Still in Pain

My Greatest Pleasure on Race Days is my Friends. I Missed Fellow CCRG Lauren :( She ran the half hit a PR (Congrats Girly ♥)

I met with Cathy - a follower here and she Lost Weight & Ran her First Marathon! She did so Great and it was my pleasure to Meet her, wish her a Great Run and tell her to Stay Strong and that she did! I watched her finish it was a great pleasure!

I know lots of friends that ran the course and Everyone had a Great Time!

Met up with Kelly and she Ran a FAST Half! Second Place Boom in her Age Group! 1:36 !! Always inspires to move my ass a little bit more when I run!


Started a RunStreak! I'm Blessed to be Able to Run! Let the Fun Continue!


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