
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just over 4 weeks away!

Hello Friends,

Thought I'd give an update and not because I planned it but because I'm here wide awake and bored. Letting my thoughts take me into unwarranted areas that just cause me troublesome thoughts or perhaps heart ache which is just devils work and not worth noting any further.

I last posted about not feeling well and subsequently still dealing with the slight kink in my neck and on/off again sinus pressure all be it the sinus is clear.

Kids have been sick lately - Took Ally to the ER and she has a urinary tract infection, Whitney was sent home for vomiting everywhere and spent the next day resting- twins and the whole house had diarrhea from said viral and everyone was left feeling just tired. Myself Included. Such is Life- Reality Check the flu Season and Germ season is upon us. School, kids sick germs, yuck yuck! Back to some germ-a-phobic principles like constant hand washing and I pushed anti-bacterial for all our purses/book bags/lunch box and my car! Come home and shed the clothes and throw into the wash immediately!

So I'm supposed to be loving this new schedule, right? Wake up Take Whitney to school- head to gym - come home have lunch- take twins to school- come home do wife duties - pick up all 3 kids.  though Oh "snap" this could be a great time to blog extra, time to read some books, do some things for 'ME'  - yeah so far not happening! Most days I'm spent with my husband which is Nice :) we have gone on photo shoots, nature walks, shopping, out for coffee like lots of mini dates ♥ the time wonderful!

So recovering last week this is what I did for Fitness since I last posted

Tuesday- Weights/2 mile walk
Wednesday- Fast 3
Thursday- Rest
Friday- 18 miles with my Husband - our longest run together ever ♥ We ran 2 hrs in torrential downpour- it was beautiful though and I told him that night "Baby together we can weather all storms" :)
Saturday- Recover 2 miles/weights
Sunday- Rest
Monday- Tempo 6, ab work
Tuesday- fast 5
Wednesday- 5 miles, weights and a foam roller stretching class at the gym

Whats Next?
Thursday will be 3 and cross train-
Friday- Rest
Saturday- I'll run a 20 miler - 7 alone and then meet up with 4 runner friends for 13.1 miles and then breakfast out :) I'm really looking forward to this one!
Sunday- Rest or Recovery  we will see how I feel!

My Husband is supposed to Run WineGlass Marathon 9/30 which is actually our Daughters Birthday! We will be traveling out of town and spending the night and making it a great weekend for her and for him. We jokingly keep saying I just might be the one running this Marathon under his Bib number because he has not done much long distance running. All though I know as his coach that he can and will with so much trust that he will thank me for it after! I told him besides Imagine looking over at my Medal shelf and seeing that gorgeous glass marathon medal on my wall and not his- talk about regrets! I am holding up in prayer and positive thought- so far so good all though he only got in ONE Long run of just 3hrs in preparation for Next week. I'll have him do a Half Marathon Paced Run this weekend at his half marathon pace (8min miles) and then hope that next weekend taking it easy at about 8:45-9min that he will Cruise through the whole 26.2 without getting hurt. I trust he will be great! Please hold him up in positive thought and prayer for me!

My Spiritual Journey has been so Amazing. My Life feels so transformed since I asked the Lord Jesus Christ into my Heart. It feels whole; never empty. I have not shed a tear of sorrow over loneliness since that day. I feel complete and my soul very nourished. I keep going to worship services and I'm taking notes. I know it may sound silly but I want to remember intently the passages we talk about and I want to prosper my Christianity like I prosper my body and mental well being. I feel as a human, wife, mother so Complete :)

I've lost a couple of pounds and I'm happy about that- just sorta happened and I've not really been trying with how busy I've been, surely it could be the longer distances as I notice in the days after a long run the scale lowers. I have also noticed I'm more starving lately though- I go from satisfied to growling hunger in very rapidly. I never cycled so quickly with fuel before. Typically I feel the need to eat through hunger signs- now its like BAM- I'M STARVING FEED ME OR I'LL KEEL OVER FROM STARVATION sort of need to eats! I get weak, sick to my stomach and very tired. Oh my gosh. It's happened so many times this week and my husband keeps saying you need to eat more- and I'm like "when" or "I'm trying" .......I'm now 3 weeks without whey protein and Loving how I feel. I will say that today I HAD TO EAT- was out of nuts, out of apples and so Hubby snatched a Greek yogurt my first in 3 weeks and gave it to me! Oh my gosh I thought "should I?" and yes I did...yummy! Loved it - Missed it :) My belly needs pribiotics and so I'll see if re-introducing it brings back all that gross bloat and intestinal issues that have magically disappeared-HOORAY!

Anyways- if you made this far, GOD BLESS YOUR HEART for thinking of me that much to stick it out- I feel like I got keep blogging cause I love just documenting my journey and getting it out there!

Much love to you all and be sure to keep checking out my other blog posts to help you in your journey or ask questions if you need me ♥

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