
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Barf Fest, Kinky Necks & Running

I do so amuse myself with the titles of some of these posts. Might I just say these funky names can sometimes yield Google Search Engine clicks that get connected to my Blog.  I get APPAULED the keywords people will Google and then Wonder How the Heck they found my blog for that name; lol- but somehow in my posts I end up saying something back handed comment that gets Google'd  LOL!

So it's been another ten days :) Life has been so Busy and because you know I love Photography and take lots of pics- here a few summing up the past ten days of my life!

Whitney Started School 
Can't believe I have a Second Grader! She is so beautiful~ she lost a tooth this week and I forgot to the leave the money under her pillow....OMG' she started screaming and crying when she woke up...ugh. Mommy and Daddy got busy and forgot about the money ;-p ooops! We told her the wind caused the tooth-fairy  to make a pit stop on the way and she would be there the next night- made good of that promise ;-)
A Family Picture Quickly while we Dined out for my 34th Birthday :)

My Birthday Present was my Running Wings ♥

 So If you Remember or was following me along you know that I was training for my Family Half Marathon. I made a phone call to the race director because despite seeing jogging strollers on the course two years ago when I ran this course; I didn't see anything on the website about them. A returned call answered my fears; they didn't want them on the course. Discouraging the use because other runners don't like them in the way. So bummed. 4 friends backed out of running it as well and I made the un-easy decision to NOT run this Half Marathon solo. I was NOT mentally race ready. I know - sound weird? Yeah I am. I take a lot of mental preparation to run specific races. I had my mind/heart set to do this as a family fun run and the stress of running this particular course fast was not all that appealing to me. 40 bucks was cheap enough for a race entry but NO t-shirt and NO medal was no extra bonus to running the event. Yes I know; for a good cause but so is my stingey stay at home momma pocketbook. I don't race often and when I do it's for a very real purpose. It was written in my heart to forgo this race. However; my Runnerboy ran this one and I got to see another friend Lori Run the Half. I got to support them, holla and root them along at every corner! I loved it! I ALWAYS enjoy spectating! I've spectated 3 races this summer, Local Triathalon, 1 mile race and this half marathon! The kids had a blast and it was another factor I why I didn't run. I wanted them to enjoy the family fun at this event. Petting zoo; free cotton candy and sno-cones and bouncy house, balloon animals and kiddie games; yeah I was busy ...just not running - lol
1:43:xx  Not a Bad Time considering he just got back to distance 6 weeks ago- beat his 1/2 Marathon from two weeks ago and this course was different, mega hill, loops and great wind. I'm inspired by him ♥
No Worries though I ran back to back ten milers over this weekend as I preserve my 20 mile long run this week to be done with Runnerboy :) I ran the first one at Marathon Pace and the second day I ran it slower with a harder push the last three miles to really kill the quads. It worked!

a Yummy Lunch

So I woke up Monday with a Kinked Neck. I could barely turn my head left. Knew immediately my planned gym session to knock out a major weight lifting session was far out the window. I was bummed but I slept so wrong on it. I also woke up with left eye pain and major left sinus pressure all around my eye. I stayed at bay till I was driving home with the 3 kids after picking them all up from school The pain and nausea and heat flashes struck and wasn't sure if I'd make it home .....I lay down at 3pm and listened as 3 kids went CRAZY in the living room screaming, playing- asking for food- I told Whitney to get milk and toast till daddy got home from CERT Training at 7pm. 4hrs later and fending for themselves he rescued them from a mother that didn't do anything but sleep, barf and try to shower as I dealt with the pain. I had a protein shake at lunch and needless to say 8hrs later I was still barfing up hemp protein in all it's green glory. yack. My heart raced- though I was dying each time I hurled. My husband bless his amazing heart rubbed my back just like he did all the years before whenever I'm ill. He pulls my hair back and out of the way and rubs my back. I tremble as I lose every ounce of liquid from guts over the next couple of hours. So horrible. Finally I kept water down, took another hot shower, some sudafed and asked for prayers on FB from my family and friends and I felt so much better.

So Today I'm still in recovery from yesterdays illness. I lost 5lbs of water from being sick. I only ate 200 calorie breakfast and threw up my 200 cal shake and HAD to have a 250cal bagel at 1am cause I was so starving. Today I couldnt stomach a breakfast I was so ill in my tumm still but I managed a light weight lifting routine, the lunch you see above , then I did a two mile walk cause I can't run because I still lack hydration and then this evening I did an hour of weeding the yard. SO TIRED- trying to remember to eat lately has been a big deal, I've just been so busy and the last two days so sick. ugh.

Not sure how this will affect me this week. I'll keep you all updated!

I ran 36 miles last week and nothing so far this week on day 2 of no running- not sure what tmrw brings with recovery from the illness;as of tonight I feel beyond exhausted......

1 comment:

  1. So sorry your not feeling well! Congrats to runner boy on that half thats so inspiring! who has a race with no shirt or bling? thats crazy!
