
Monday, July 2, 2012

Marathon Training Week 2

Hi Everyone!

Life continues to be really busy! Runnerboy worked ten days straight since vacation and 5 of those days were 16hr shifts so needless to say I've been really busy entertaining 3 kids ALL DAY-!! Which is fine. I've been in my lil glory doing my own thing. I have been keeping them busy with lots of typical fun stuff. Beach, playgrounds, sprinkler park etc.

My Running has been off track still. I took a few steps back really quickly with my sinus this week. I was on the mend but since using the A/C in my bedroom I woke up with major sinus inflammation and one of my runs I couldnt even breathe through my nose. Trust me we use our nose, you don't realize it till it's stuffed and hard to breath. I had nothing to expel it was just inflammation and thats with taking allergy meds which I think I need to try a new brand, this one is OTC and a brand I've never used before. Not sure it's working for me! I seem to be ok today-so that's good!

 I'm just running to get my running base in and truth be told, I've not really wanted to run lately and it's not because I don't love running it's because I'm still feeling exhausted! All this week was forced mileage-

29 miles this week and my fitness routine looked like this-

•Monday- Weight Lifting x 45min, Elliptical for 35min

•Tuesday- 3.7 miles street run (8:53 pace)

•Wednesday- 4 miles - intervals Warm Up
4x650m @6:58 pace x 100m rest
4x400m @ 6:58 pacex 50m rest
Should not be worried about training this fast as I venture in Marathon Training- but I'm treadmill bored- NEED OUTSIDE RUNNING for Endurance!

•Wednesday Night- Double Run Day- Running club 5 miles (8:56 pace)

•Thursday- Rest Day - First Rest for my legs in 5 days-

•Friday- Weight Lifting x 60min - MMA Training with Runnerboy for a 1/2 hour- more of defensive tactics for me sort of training :) I get a total high off the notion that I could seriously protect myself and in return hurt a predator!

•Saturday- 4 mile street run (8:54 pace)  - 92 degrees out - blazing sun- KILLER!  Felt good though :)

•Sunday- Forced 12 miler (9:20 avg pace)  6 miles at 10min pace, 5 miles 9.20 min pace and last mile was 8min pace, Nice Negative Split- at Sunset 7:20 pm- 9:15 pm - ran into the night- kept the pace slow been a Long Time since I've gone this distance- since mid April ;-0  Knees ached today, pace hurt me to run slow but I felt fatique and tired still before run so I slept for 2.5 hrs from 4:30pm- 7:pm ....WHAT THE FUDGE!!  I wished I knew what my problem is beyond the allergies, I just have this aweful feeling something serious is going on with me. Yes I'm total paranoid- I really got to call the ob and get a check up for downtown check in to be sure I'm not dealing with some really bad female issue. Maybe it's the heat? Maybe I'm just worn out from life and no real rest? ugh- who knows! I do know it sucks to not feel like my chirpy chipper athletic self !
This run to hoopes park- one loop- beautiful! Next to the Nature Trail and ran into a couple bambis and cardinals. Made me think that I want to get in there with my camera this week- just some me time! Watch for future bird pics! Oh and I ran this entire long run with NO music- just me! Just all my thoughts to enterain myself for a 1:54 minutes, lol - I just was in NO mood to rock out today- just getting the miles beneath me as I wonder "Why Connie, Why Marathon Training Again?" - same question as spring training.......Running a long time is hard on the body- it just is! There is mad respect for the distance and I think because I don't want to is reason enough to just keep doing it! lol- story of my life!
Hoopes Park - on my Run

I do have GREAT News for me- I started a website - It's half ready and then I need to take time to get ready to take on formal clients. I help so many already but this time I'm doing it to make some extra money to put toward my continued education in Mental Health to help with Obese/Overweight Clients!!  When it's launched I hope it's something that if you need my close help then I can guide you more toward your running & weightloss goals ♥

Here is some Random CCRG Pics from my week - some personal and Some food- Enjoy!

 Slobbering Benny - wants to say Hi!
Got this Race Photo in the Mail - I like how my legs look *wink*

Whitney Spent all Last Week at Vacation Bible School- Our Coversations about God & Jesus
was so Priceless to me! She says "Mommy I want my own Bible" she calls it her "Holly  Bible"
I took her the same day and we bougth it together ♥ she has NON stop been reading it for days!
Beaches, Sprinkler Parks, Playgrounds lots of Summer Play!

  A fave of mine- apple and spread a thin layer of PB on it for tasty yum!

 Salmon on Rye (yes I skipped the top of the sandwich to cut carbs - just ate it with a fork :)

One of my Lunches this week and to show how I feed my kids too :)

 This is a Multi-Grain Pita with egg white & fresh spinach with BlueBerries!
 Lunch- Hormel Natural Ham (no nitrites/nitrates) with
1/2 Avocado and tomato on a 12 grain pita, low fat mayo and
carrot sticks (yes that's it for me- I like my carrots cooked and this well- was forced nutrition fueling, lol)

1 comment:

  1. Connie,
    I am always so impressed with you. I have not been running lately, most probably due to no future race to train for and getting ready to move overseas. Even when you are not feeling good, you are putting in miles and efforts that I really envy. We just drove across 1500 miles to California, maybe the weather here will motivate me.

    Hope you are feeling better and find out why you are so tired! Keep up the training and looking forward to reading your accomplishments. Happy running!
