
Monday, June 11, 2012

1o days- peek a boo!

Sweet Lord, it's been ten days since my last Confession  Blog post :(

I need this place, I need my routine back. I confess I have let  allowed others to dictate what I do in my life. I am on constant guilt trips for living my life the way I want.

 My Blogging, My CCRG, My Weight Lifting ...anything I do that I ENJOY AND LOVE - I'm taking it back. I was told time and time again that I spend too much time away from my family  to do the  very things in my life that I most enjoy and really is simply just for "me" .  let's be honest- it takes just an hour away from my life to do what I enjoy :)

I need that!

So listen up- I'm back and I'm here sharing again everyday and I'm getting back to it, I hope it's fluid like before but life is different- ever changing and evolving.

Just like my goals, my weight loss, my maintaining, my running etc. you get it, lol

So I wrote last that I have not been feeling like myself. So I went ahead and made a dr's appt (thanks to the blogger friend that left a comment urging me to get to the docs to get my thyroid checked !! ♥ !!) I was due for my yearly so it was perfect timing!

I talked to shared with the Doc and he'll take care of me and we took alot of blood work to get everything checked out!

Me: Still down, still lethargic, tired, craving carbs, eating has been poor, no appetite forced fueling in the day and trying to control the ravenous feeds at night- yuck- blah- ugh-
Just got my period today- so I feel like I've been beat in the back with a bat. Then I was prescribed an antibiotic because I'm on day 8 of a sinus infection and I suffered all week and was hoping my immune system would kick in but my doc knows how my deviated septum and my sinus are- very sensitive and vulnerable to length sinus infection durations (two years ago I had a 4 month sinus infection :(
I talked to the doc, he thinks maybe it could be my body, could be the let down from all the stress from school being over, he thinks it could my shift in running from distance to speed, it could be anything really-

Highlights of the last ten days of my life through pictures!

 C25k Graduate- Diane and Some RunnerGirls ♥
It was Amazing to Do the c25k Learn to Run Program
through my Running club. I started off with 18 New Runners
and I had ONLY ONE GRADUATE!!! I hope I planted
the seed with others?!

 We Ran in the rain and got it done! So Proud of Diane!
 National Running Day- I pushed all 3 of my Peeps in
this Double Jogger- 3 miles in 30min all while
walking up two hills! Great lil work-out!

 Whitney & Austyn ran the Cancer Mile for the Relay for Life! - Austyn Ran an entire Half Mile!!
He changed my Life he said to me during the run out of the blue "Mom- it's only my Body"  how DEEP IS THAT? !

Don & Spent an Entire Day away from Our Kids
We were a Photographer Team for Wedding Clients
last week- it was such a  Blessing- We are excited
To Renew our Vows in the Eyes of God Next Year!

 June 9, 2012- I celebrated my 3 year
life Change- I am NEVER going
BACK! Healthy Eating & Active Lifestyle!
That Easy!

 Sharing this picture - My Stomach used to hit that
Steering Wheel!  I LOVE getting behind the wheel and feeling
"thin & healthy"

 Drive-Ins- Madagascar!
I have spent everyday with my Family!
Lots of Quality Family Time ♥
 They are Always Monkeys-  Always
 Busy with my Lil Peeps- Library, playgrounds
Outside Playing etc!
 Sunset Running- Loving it ♥
 See the rainbow? ?during my Run the other day!

Working out with Runnerboy!

Hey, I love Showing off all his hard work- Dam! *slurp* 

So what's next? Well I never did Start Insanity- I am have been so tired and lethargic I couldn't do much more than my running- plus I don't think I have the time - Ugh- Runnerboy reminds me to  balance and that includes accepting that such diligent efforts with all on my plate might be too much for me. I don't do well with my own let downs- So I'll try to incorporate Insanity on my Cross Training and I am aiming to pick back up my distance again as Marathon Training Starts again in 2 weeks!

I leave this week for the Boston, Cape Cod & Connecticut to get Certified as a Running Coach! I already Coach many of you and now I'll be Certified :) Although I'm sure my college education and personal experience is more than enough to help many of you along- this is going to help teach me a bit more!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for us all having each other for advice! I'm glad you decided to go ahead with the thyroid test. It may be normal, but at least you'll know. You look fantastic. Congrats on 3 years!!!
