
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bronze at Mountain Goat 2012 Results & pics

Race Report!!!

I have been feeling so Great all day!

First of all I went to bed and slept the best I've slept in 2 weeks- slept solid- only up to pee 2x - I drank a lot before bed. I slept solid- no funky dreams and I didn't want to get out of bed- like that good- so I stayed in bed a half hour more and I didn't do my old normal routine- which would be facebook- music/videos etc. Instead I would spend the morning with just my heart and mind-

Got to the race- the weather - PERFECT- High of 70 today- blue Sky's- cool light breeze-
Hello Sunshine- I Love you :)

Gear: Under Armour Heat Gear top, Under Armour Compression shorts, Under Armour Socks, Under Armour Sweatband, Moving Comfort Bra, Nike Triax 13's GTX Shoes, Garmin 305, Iron-Man Sunglasses

I miss Runnerboy :( He is Papparazzi boy and the kids are home with the babysitter- if he can't run at least he can have some kid free time with his RunnerGirl ♥

Got into the start and talked to these two runnerboys and my runnergirl Kelly & her Runnerboy Jared and I was excited to see her and we mingled and talked- then we had the anthem and then the start-

Mile 1: 8:00- all flat- had to tame the 7:00 pace and started to stitch- too excited........
Mile 2: Hill
Mile 3:Hill
Mile 4:Hill/flats (walk to drink fluids)
Mile 5: Split marker read 42min :)
Mile 6:Flat (starting to notice the hot sun- little warm)
Mile 7:Hill (Colvin Street Hill- the SHIT (steepest hill in town)- loved the band- had a drink at the top)
Mile 8:Hill/flat- another quick drink- some power juice :)
Mile 9:Flat- Holding around a 7:30 pace
Mile 10:Flat - still holding around a 7:30 pace !! feeling STRONG!

Garmin - the end looks choppy- I think it's cause I'm downtown Syracuse with all the buildings

Mountain Goat 2012 10 miler Race Results:

Overall- ------------------823/2525
Sex Place---------------- 187/1204
Age Group 30-34- ------43/177

Chip: 1:25:55 pace 8:36

Sub 1:30 Females Earn a Bronze Time Medal Here she is and DAM AM I EVER SO PROUD- I EARNED THIS!

I got some pictures with Friends ♥ Best part of this Race too- was my friends- the race fun- the atmosphere- it was all so exciting for me. I have been wanting to race really badly for well over a month so I was really so excited to be feeling the adrenaline from Racing- there is NOTHING else like it! I love those pre-race jitters and getting out there seeing what I have that day!

See all those people around me- they were in front of me- then along side me- then behind me :)
I sprinted at the end- almost had both calves seize up on me- lol - yikes!
Me by the Billboard showing off the Gun Times!
Down in this Picture is my FAST RunnerGirl Kelly- Dam she Inspires me! I blogged about Kelly before- she is a Great Runner- Jock in high school- lacrosse in college- took up running as a sport last summer and has been really starting to realize her true Awesome Running!
Today she Only had like 14 females ahead of her- earned her silver with a time of 1:13 and next year she is going for Gold (sub 1:10) and I'm going for the Silver (sub 1:20) we are so gonna do it!
I love running with her ♥ she is the kindest and sweetest chick and she runs with her husband and we all just get along so nicely- it's so much fun to be at races with her - well with both them actually- well all four of us :) ! MANY MORE TO COME!
Lisa- my Lil Boom Boom- she has been training and planning for Goat for a year- last year at this time she was starting c25k - I watched her run 5k's and helped and encouraged to run her first half marathon - now this goat and eager for her running future- she has lost weight and taken her life back! she is beautiful inside and out and I'm honored to watch her journey!
Down here is Leslie with Lisa- Leslie is a follower on CCRG and she ran the Goat today and formally introduced herself to me at the race- how Special- ♥
Little Testosterone for the blog- RunnerBoys - sorry my RunnerBooy wasn't there so you can eat up his dust- bwahahaha-
Great Run Guys!

So how am I feeling?
Sore- tired- tight- got home and showered- rested and ran off to college for school-
I cried a few times tonight- really proud of my race- proud of so many running friends of mine- I was looking through pictures all night- and reading marathon updates and 1/2 marathon finishes and I just get so proud and pumped for everyone. To me it's not just about a finish time- it's the alive and amazing feelings from runnings- if I could bottle it up and sell it to you I would- cause it's amazing!
Plans for the week: Not a whole lot- I have final exam next Sunday- so I'll balance and focus on school- but maybe this saturday I'll run 16-20 miler for a long run and - we'll see- 1/2 marathon race at Buffalo in exactly 3 weeks - Goal as close to 1:45 as Possible- I'm feeling pretty confident after Today- I thank Under Armour for the challenge to re-shape my Plans!


  1. You rock! Congratulations, and thank you from my heart for giving me hope for change.from heidihott

  2. I'm very proud of you too! Great job!
