
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fix Your Mind to Lose Weight

I feel so inclined to pour my thoughts all over this page about Weight loss. I try to help so many people with weight loss and running.

What I know for Fact on the other side of it all is that You Must Learn to Change Your Mind so You Can Change Your Body. Your Mind and Heart are so Connected. What you feel on the inside of your heart pours into your thoughts and feelings and in turn is reflected in how you eat and how active you want to be.

Without a doubt we are so complex, our heart mind body and soul are one. We can't fix our outside we are fixed on the inside.

So How Can we Fix our Inside?

Motivation, Support, Accountability, Creating New Habits by Eliminating the Bad Habits!

•Motivation: This Blog, Our CCRG Page on Facebook, get inspired- I have written a lot about Motivation and those links can be found here:

•Support- Running Clubs, Family, Friends, Running Friends, CCRG Page- Find it and use it by sharing, asking questions and sharing your thoughts and feelings.

•Create New Habits: Identify your old habits. What is NOT working for you? Eating at Night? Emotional Eating? Too tired to work out at night? Always go for the chips? Knowing what your bad habits are- and then working to change them. You just have to understand how vital this one. So Much that it will likely become a blog post within itself one day. I can keep it simple for today though, you really DO know what you are doing wrong. I mean, don't we all? It's no surprise why you got overweight- you ate wrong and or too much and you were not active enough to burn calories. So what you do is simple. You CHANGE One Little bad habit at a time. Give it two weeks for it be apart of your new routine. Create the Plan, Execute the Plan and Follow Through. That Simple...what is not simple is the Fear, anxiety and poor self esteem to do that follow through. This is where your support, motivation come into action!

•Accountability- What helps you to change those habits is to have someone to answer too. No pussy footing around- I'm serious- a hard core accountability partner. Someone to Congratulate and Praise you for your Efforts and someone NOT afraid to tell you the way it is! To give a Great Mental Swift Kick in the right direction. Find Some Accountability- Family, friend, doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer, life coach- CCRG Page! Ok- that's what my page is about too- Let me help you be Accountable. Checking in everyday with food and Fitness is for all of us!


  1. Love it! Great advice. I think it's important for people to understand that while motivation might get you started, determination is what keep you going! I lost the weight and learned to *love* running along the way too! I invite you to stop by my blog anytime,

    Great minds think alike! See you around :)

  2. Great Blog Nina :) Happy Running !!
