
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sunset Run

I wanted to do a Sunset Run after a really busy day. After all I had my Running Shoes on all Day. Cleaning and made the house spotless :) Yeah, I like a clean home, it's my Job so I try to at least be 'ok' at it :)

I was a little disappointed as I made my way to the Lake, which is my most favorite running location hotspot.By the time I got there the SunSet was Over- I ran through the city with the sun setting to my right.

Still an ok run.

I didn't blog - I ran double yesterday. or did I? OMG_ My brain is so fried, I can't remember! haha!

3 miles in the morning where I walked to warm up and finished 3 miles in just over 31min or something- but that includes the walk warm up, finally opened up on that run.

Then I did 4.5 miles with the Running Club last night- it was a Blast- I am so HAPPY I started a Running Club in my Community. We had ten runners and we all enjoy running and so to share that is pretty Great to me! When I was a new runner I never felt worthy, I felt too slow, I wanted to run alone and now I'm completely different!

I felt better with last nights run- not so hard on me, my energy and heart rate still feel off.

I was still not perfect tonight- and in reflection lets not be fooled we have been in Record Heat Waves Highs in Central New York. Our Weather should be in the mid 45-50 degrees and we have been in the 70 & 80's ....OMG! I actually even noticed earlier in my Running dress that I was peeling on my shoulders- at some point in the last week I got a small amount of sun color on my shoulders and now peeling. Perhaps I underestimate the impact the heat has on my running.

I still don't have my period. I'm officially late now- GGGRRR- I want it here so I can move past the day one funk and pain of it before Saturdays 16miler!

So 8:21 pace tonight-

Foods have been Great- I have lost 4lbs of water that I was holding and that fell off in 2 days or really super hydrating myself. Scale has been put back away- It can be such a great tool to show me how on/off track I am with hydration, at best I'm not really trying to officially lose weight yet so I am not at all concerned with gained or losing so the scale stays in the closet for a while longer.

Todays food:
2 slices Whole Wheat Toast
tsp spread
tsp natural jam

spinach & arugula
home-made Italian
low fat cheese
slice of low sodium bacon
cup of grapes

15 min Healthy Dinner: 1/2 cup FF Cream Cheese, 3 cups of mixed veggies, cooked chicken breast add in McCormich MSG Free Garlic and herb spices with 3 tbsp of grated parm. Yum! ......THEN... I decided that I wanted to try my first Sweet Potato Burger. 80grams of sweet potato, 1/2 servicing crushed walnuts and tsp of pure maple syrup- patty it up and toss in frying pan with healthy oil today was SunFlower Oil. SOO GOOD! All quick easy and low calories.

Pre- run fuel- 1/4 cup of ice -cream on a sugar cone- OMG_ 80 degrees and it had to happen, sorry it just had to happen, lol- hahahaha! Listen, moderation- 150 calorie snack-
The only regret is I don't eat ice-cream that often and I'm lactose intolerant mostly to plain milk and ice-cream and tonight I'm gassy, lol!

After my Run, I felt Ravenous- my calories were light so I ate a serving of Organic tortillas with organic salsa - probably 200 cals.

Total today: very loosely figured around 1500 cals.

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