
Friday, March 2, 2012

LunarGlides Test Run

Yesterday I rested with fitness and the only muscle I worked was my brain- a solid 4 hrs 5 hours on campus working on Algebra *Yay* lol ....Written so Sarcastically!

Then It was Shopping where I bought some new weight lifting gloves and new Runners. I'll move onto that in a minute.

Foods Yesterday: 2 egg whites, slice of whole wheat, coffee, carrots, cucumber, grapes, almonds, slice of whole wheat with natural pb and natural jam. Dinner was out again- grilled chicken on ciabatta bread and broccoli. I had 4 bites of my daughters ice cream sundae and then a small serving of milk chocolate almond m&m's and I'll admit- milk chocolate just does NOTHING for me anymore! LUV my Dark Chocolate!

So I purchased a new trainer. I have been in Nike Structure Triax since I started Running. I over pronate. I use To analyze my stride and check for alignment while I test out shoes. They measure you- watch you run and they bring you shoes that will likely suit your needs. I tried on 4 pair - Mizuno, Sauconys, a couple of new balance and came back to Nike. Fleet Feet is like many other running stores across America- they will do this for free and the return policy on their shoes is unbeatable. if at any point *within reason* they will allow you to bring back your shoe and try something new!

I switching shoes because I am really believe in my core there has to be a way to correct my alignment problem with my right leg. Last Year I spent alot of time complaining of right leg hamstring tightness- the starts to Right ITB Tightness - Beyond just Stretching- I would like to at least try to get to the root of the problem by correcting it. I have been looking alot at my running pictures. It shows me how well my Nike Structures have been working. They correct me so well that I believe that they throw me 'out' too much and then I need to roll back in to throw off the toes- so I get alot more tibial rotation and that mis-alignment showed itself on the MRI in October. I was looking for support but not as much as the Structure. Really Hoping this Shoe is a Success for me. What is Great as Well- sticking to Nike is Nice because I have a Nike Outlet Close to me and can get some LunarGlides cheap! Ok, Cheaper than!

So I ran 30min training run today. I felt really Great. I always do best after a day off- happy to run- body always feeling super energetic and I never waivered an ounce and had so much to give but I wanted to hold it a Great Pace without running 5k pace or faster just because I Just did hills 2 days ago. My Right Quad is Happy - a little poke and it's tiney bit sore by the knee but Not Nearly how it felt the last few days. The shoe is narrow- the Upper cross brace on this shoe dug into the top of my right foot a little bit. But this is common with alot of shoes- I am very boney mid foot on the right. The shoe has good cushion- more so than the Structure Triax. It actually weighs lighter with each shoe around 9.6 each were my triax were 10.4. Certainly not a competition shoe but still hoping great durability as a trainer to see me through the next 500 miles and maybe into Marathon? I am curious how they hold up. I am curious on how the leg/knee/ITB feel after I get some more miles on them. Right now my leg feels ok :)

After the Run which was 3.8 miles in 30min 7:51 pace I went down stairs and worked a super set on the weights. It was my first attempt at them and I don't mind sharing- I was aiming for set of 10 but only did 8 sets but that's fine- still almost a solid 35-40min nonstop in the weight room!

20lbs - bicep curls rep of 10 each arm
15lb - tricep throwback rep of 10 each arm
40lb- bent over row rep of 8
10 pushups

*repeat* but only 8x ( I want to go 10 but I'll be honest- I had muscle left but I noticed my form on my triceps getting sloppy- )

then I went into cybex:
110lb pull downs just for one set
110lb row for just one set.
70lb oblique rep of 10 rotation on each oblique

slice of whole wheat
tsp natural pb

slice of whole wheat
tblsp natural pb
tsp natural jam

chicken breast
1 cup of whole wheat pasta
1/2 cup of organic tomato sauce
Organic Garlic Loaf
tsp natures balance spread

Indiana Popcorn
Greek Yogurt

*really lacked veggies/fruits today- I hate seeing so much carbs - oh well it sorta happened*
Still healthy eating and good portions for me-

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