
Friday, March 9, 2012

Legs & Yoga

Thursday I woke up just after 4hrs of sleep. I spent my entire day sluggish and so tired and my to do list wasn't going to slow me down *although I insisted and took a very lethargic life break from Noon -3pm....quickly I snapped out of it and made dinner, cleaned up, headed to a board meeting and then off to the grocery store for 2 hrs. Home to shower and bed by 1am -

So My Gym session and recovery from the 14 miler was another hit of the legs. I did lots of reps with the leg press, quad curls, adductor, abs, obliques, hamstrings.

Then off to Yoga.

I walked out a little taller and felt amazing-

However about 1.5 hrs later not only was I feeling the fatigue of my lack of beauty rest the night before but my legs were really aching something terrible. Both ITB's and the calves, the Achilles- let's just say I felt every muscle and tendon in my legs yesterday just scream at me. It physically hurt to even lay there. This was not from the 14 this was from my morning work-out- another hit at the legs as they are trying to recover.

I wake up today feeling better and must get in a recovery run- I thought for sure today I would rest- but I really should run. My Legs feel great this morning :) 7 hrs of sleep helps!

Foods Yesterday:

B: Oatmeal with flax and cranberry, coffee

L: pbj - whole wheat, natural pb&jam
greek yogurt
dam animal crackers-

Turkey burger on whole wheat toast slice smothered in couple tablespoons of cream of mushroom soup
I also made a vegetable pasta and I tossed with olive oil and parm cheese and added fresh carrots/broccoli

5hrs later I enjoyed a bowl of Honey nut cheerios - I was really hungry- getting home from the grocery store at past 10pm at night the old me would of hit up the Fast Food- Yes even almost 3 years later the temptations are there - it's fast easy and shoot I could of easily ate a salty french fry- especially when the comfort side of me was seeking food. I was tired, sleepy and desperately seeking emotional eating at the same time as being physically hungry- so the best option wait to get home and eat- I should of aimed for a veggie- but I wanted cereal, lol- less chomping efforts- does that sound pathetic? lol

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