
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Meet Hope CalorieCountingRunnerGirl Success Story

I met hope through Facebook just shortly after adventured into my maintaining phase of my personal weight loss journey. She was new to running and I was quickly drawn to her because she was fighting the same fight I just won; which was training to run a Half Marathon while losing weight. I had Great Joy in watching her meet both her personal weight loss and run goals. I am Thankful to Facebook for such Great Connections like Hope and I am eager to watch her Run her Way through NYC with a Half Marathon in April and Further Run Herself into the Elite Status of "Marathon Runner" ♥ So Proud of you! Here is her Story!
My weight loss/running journey began in January of 2011. After moving in May 2010 from Louisiana to West Virginia, I was wallowing in depression & anxiety. I had moved over 1000 miles away from everything & everyone I had ever known. I spent the next few months eating myself into obesity & sleeping all day while my kids were in school. I hated myself. I hated my body. I knew no one here & had no friends. Food became my friend.
By December 2010 I decided enough was enough. I wasn't happy & I knew continuing this way was no good for anyone. It was time for a change. I made losing weight & learning to run my New Year's resolution for 2011. At 5'1 & 200 lbs, it was time. I started a weight loss program & the Couch to 5K program. I made that 5K my goal. Running was hard in the beginning, I got a bad case of shin splints & had to take some time off from running to heal. I was slightly discouraged by this, but I continued working out. When I was able to get back to it, I never looked back.
By June 2011, I ran that 5K. I was losing weight & I felt great! That 5K motivated me to start training for a half marathon the following October. I trained all summer long for it. I've got 2 kids, & since they were off school all summer, they joined me for most training runs on their bikes. I was stronger, leaner, & losing all that weight. But most importantly, I was reinventing myself. I was becoming the person I was always supposed to be. Happier, healthier, & stronger. A runner. I ran a few races over the summer while training & became more sure of myself & my ability to run that half marathon. October 2011, I ran that half marathon & finished it. That sealed the deal for me.
When I got home from that half, I registered for my first Full Marathon. I'm currently training for it right now & I've never felt more sure about anything in my life. Running changed me. It humbled me. It has taught me that I'm stronger than I ever thought I was. It taught me that there's a lot more to this life than sitting around eating myself into oblivion & feeling sorry for myself. I'm better than that. Life is full of possibilities, I'm excited about them all. I recently reached my goal weight & am now maintaining it At 32 yrs old, for the first time in my life, I can say that I'm proud of myself.

1 comment:

  1. I am also training for my first 1/2 in NYC on April 15th. This Alabama girl decided if a 1/2 marathon was my next goal I wanted a cool location to do it. Running in Central Park was one of my bucket list items and what a better way than an 1/2 marathon with all women. I'd love to chat with you. My email is
