
Friday, February 17, 2012

Meet Helen a CalorieCountingRunnerGirl Success

Meet Helen, She has lost over 65lbs has become a 10k Runner and will soon be a Half Marathoner in April 2012 ♥ Here is her Story!

My name is Helen DeRitis Wall... I would love to tell my story and show my transformation because of running and fitness.

I have a horrible time putting my thoughts into words so I will do my best without rambling! If anything doesn't sound right or if you think I should change anything let me know!

I have pretty much struggled with weight my entire adult life... I gave birth to all three of my children before the age of 24. I pretty much spent the next 10 years raising my family and forgot about myself.. Being a YES person I constantly did for everyone except me..

In 1990 my girlfriend was getting married and I could not be in the wedding because the dress they had picked out did not come in my size! I was devastated but of course did nothing about it! The following year my sister got engaged and asked me to be the maid of honor, I was not gonna have that again. I joined weight watchers and lost 70 pounds in 8 months. I was able to pretty much keep that off until 1999 when my husband started going in and out of work due to a back injury again I let life take over.. My husband was in and out of the hospital and four back surgeries later with a total spinal fusion and trying to nurse him back to health I found myself back at 230 pounds.

After my husbands fourth surgery I decided it was time to take my life back, my children were grown my husband was somewhat recovering and on permanent disability! This time I started my journey over in April of 2009, the first year was slow I think I only lost 20 pounds the first year. Then my sister told me of a 5k she would be running..At that point I decided I was gonna try to run it with her. Never in a million years did I think I could do this! I just started by walk / run intervals! Before I knew it I was running a mile, then two, then three.. In September of 2010 I finished my first 5k in 31:06! The pure excitement of crossing that finish line gave me the running bug! In 2011 I completed about 13 5k's, a mud run, and a 10k bridge run! I would of never called myself a runner EVER! I am now training for my first half marathon in April and I a 10 miler in May! The addiction has changed from food to running!

As of today I am down 65 pounds and I am happier and healthier and at the age of 47 feel younger than I have in my entire life!

If I can do it, anyone can!

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiration! Thank you Helen for sharing your story. I am 47 and just started my love of running. I have 100 pounds to lose and look forward to someday running a marathon or triathalon!
