
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Want to Run or NEED to Run

* I stopped and took this picture tonight- as the thought that rushed through was "Living the Glory Days - I never had" I wished I started running when I was a kid! *
Today I wanted to relax inside- surely the sun was shining but my plate at home is full. I have alot of things going on in my personal endeavors and my to-do lists is long.
But what I needed today was much different. I needed to run. My Anxiety level was high- I was still feeling funky from yesterday- and I NEEDED a slow run to just clear my head-
I started off with a major Southerly Wind and knew straight away I would not be adventuring toward the lake like I normally would. Instead I would head West. however just as soon as I did- the sidewalks were still not taken care of by the city (which is FUNNY because as a resident home-owner such as myself- if I don't shovel after a storm I could get a warning and or citation by the city!) forcing me to run super slow- watch my step- and then decided to turn around and run in the other direction. I wanted a slow run but I'm not talking a ten minute pace today simply because of icey sidewalks!
Ran the other direction- then back tracked toward the West again and not on the Highway but instead a different county route and it has wide shoulder and I just kept running- I ran all the way to the other end of the city and then north and then West and North back home.
Funny when I looked at the garmin- can't say with the thousands of miles ran in this city- that I've ever taken this route- in this order!
Plenty of hills and today the run was just so perfect to me- I love runs where I'm comfy but not so sure I could of pushed it anymore - I am still sore- again- my recovery time has been ridiculous this week- but I hit 31 miles ran this week- I have not done this (besides marathon week in October) since Peaked 3rd week in September for Marathon with 43 miles. So I ought to stop being so curious as to why I'm aching- Plus the runs this week were pretty bad ass- 2 back to back speed runs and then a paced 7 miler- yeah- pretty intense in a few short days and then tacking in the extra miles this week too!
Oh and just because- I added some new tunes to the playlist surely getting sick of listening to the same stuff- and this one song was just all ding dongish tune booms- no words and if you could see the expression on my face as I listened- yeah priceless- Has that ever happened to you? Upload a song and have it have commercials on it or not what you thought? Frustrating!
Breakfast: Buckwheat pancakes with Anutra
pure maple syrup
coffee x 4 mugs (omg!) but still behaving just tsp of sugar and ff half in half for 35cals each.
lunch- did I eat lunch? Oh wait- Kiwi- and more coffee! Hey I was CLEANING all day! Oh wait I lied- I ate the crust to my sons pizza slice ;-p
Dinner- fresh baked chicken - 1/4 cup stuffing- 1/4 cup low sodium cottage cheese, 1/2 cup steamed broccoli
S: almond milk- whey protein
dark chocolate / mixed nuts/ plain cherrio snack mix

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