
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Insanity Day #4 & Holiday Pics

Shawn T. from the BeachBody Insanity is one Smart Trainer. Today was day #4 of Isanity and it was a great cardio recovery. 35+ minutes of stretching. Some plank works and some quad burn. One thing is for sure you don't need to be bouncing up and down and doing alot of speedy anything to get in a great burn. Those stretch holds are enough to make you start shouting infanities for how much the burning pain can be. I was just simply aching all over and had to succomb to a fall to my knees a couple of time simply becuause I was in so much muscle/stretch pain. I felt great aftewards :)
The rest of the day was family time :)
Here are some of me and my peeps for the holiday :) Have you taken any yet?

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