
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

6th Day of Christmas Fitness

On the 6th Day of Christmas Fitness, My True love gave to me: Planks/stretching- pilates/yoga/pushups

Today was a long day- filled with so much family activity and my side work as a photographer monopolized a few hours of my mid day-

I squeezed in some minimal fitness after 11pm at night- knowing fair well I was going to do something on this Fitness challenge!

2 1/2 minute plank
20 pushups
light stretches of the calv/quads
hip flexor rotations
down ward dog
table top
ab squeezes
foam rolling

In total 15-20 min- not much- but something to declare some fitness!

Foods: Oh boy I can't really remember 2 days ago- I was on point though- and ate super yummy stuff

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