
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day23- The deep desire to share

Are Haters Just Confused Admirers?

I'm always tearing down balconys!

I suppose putting myself out there and introducing myself to an online runners forum (RunnersWorld) got all twisted up to become some witchhunt against me. I've been there for a couple of months. I go in and read and occasionally share. I love Running, I love reading about Running. I love going there in the last few months and what I found GREAT is that I could see a post and someone ask a question or share in something Great and the support always seemed to be quick and outpouring, so much that there's not much else I could ever add. Well I could- I'm no Stranger to Online Forums- 8years ago I discovered them. But quickly I learned all about TROLLS and people that spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on them- lol. I've been addicted to them, this I understand. I simply don't have the time in my life to commit to them by usual outpouring self. My Facebooking and my 120 Close Running Friends on FAcebook are enough to keep me that busy!

I basically introduced my story and then forwarded a link to 'here' for any 'Newbie" runners that might need help with Running or Losing weight.

Then magically I was "spamming"
Magically I was "looking for attention"
Magically I became a "crazy" (because I stood up for myself *wink*) poster!

Wow, So confusing how I go into an online forum and offer 'help' or inspiration that I'm somehow doing it for some twisted manner.

Made me really think about how cruel the world is. How twisted so many people think. How a person could take something as innocent as my intentions and make them so impure and make them somehow wrong.

Just seems so wrong on multiple philosophical levels. But such is the sociology!

I am NOT a Fool and I'm not one to back down from a fight- but fighting against people that work with the wrong part of the brain- is like beating a dead horse, you can't change the ignorant, you can't change foolish thinking.

Interesting indeed.

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This Blog is Purposeful for me to share and what I get out of it I only hope someone gets from it too. My Blog continues because of all the e-mails thanking me for all that I do. Private messages on Facebook asking for help and direction with getting faster with running- or to share in the experience of what it's like to become a runner out of Obesity. I've helped people and many great people are losing weight and I've helped inspire that change in them ♥ The best part now I watch them share what they are learning with others!

Many of you come here day after day and you read what I write. You embrace what I have to share. Thanks for believing in me!

That is not self seeded, this Blog is beautiful and pure and great. I'm not letting people take that away from you! I'm not going anywhere. This is "My Place" My corner of the world to share and explore and embrace in the journey of health and fitness!!

Ok, So with all that said "phew"

Today I woke up- incredibly SORE! 3 hrs of working out yesterday just proves the insanity to only torture my body - for majority of the time the pain feels good but today- I feel a tad worn but that's ok. I still do exactly what I set out to do!

1 hr of spin-
Sauna & Stretch!

My afternoon monopolized with negativity as I embraced an actually spiritually beautiful morning as my Husband celebrates his 36th Birthday ♥
We went out to Dinner tonight- Sadly I confess there were moments of the RunnersWorld Insanity that flew through my Mind. Certainly the negativity and pessimism seeps into the good to steal the greatness, With this vent- I hope those feelings pass!


organic egg
Slice of Wheat toast
Healthy spread

Unsweetened Almond Milk
All Natural Whey Protein Shake

Dinner out- Chicken Sandwich with broccoli
Whole Wheat Bun
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
No fat honey mustard dressing on the side
lettuce/tomato slice
1 cup of broccoli

Dessert with my family to celebrate my husbands day- a tasty treat- my first since Marathon :) 1/2 Moon Cookie from the Bakery :)

Great Day Overall - Focus on what's Important - Me & My Family and all those that I am helping!

Which reminds me - to the 50 of you in my Holiday Challenge on Facebook- Be sure to check in with me via the e-mail to share how you'll get through the holiday with your food moderation/healthier choices and what fitness you'll be up to in the coming days!

What do you think, Have you ever encountered twisted thinking on the part of strangers in an online setting? Is it me or is it Odd to be so Mean to someone sharing in such a Great Journey?

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