
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 8- trx & cross train

Short and Sweet from me, I went to be Early Last night!!

9:30pm till 7am!! Now I'm tired, lol.

5 min run/walk- can't run :( That's ok with yesterdays fast paced 3 and 3 consecutive days of running what should I expect on an injury?

20min elliptical

7min rowing machine- was going for 5min but got lost in a song

2 sets of 20lbs arm curl routines for each arm

1 hr of TRX where we went a little faster- incorporated partner routine so in between being on the strap we did cardio. Over-all smooth class and today my shoulders hurt!

egg whites
green monster smoothie (almond milk, 1tblsp all natural pb, 1 cup spinach,2tblsp anutra, 1/2 banana)
1/2 naan bread
1 tblsp of sauce
1 oz of lowfat mozz cheese
3 oz pre-cooked chicken breast
1/2 cup of cooked spinach
this was a pizza!
1/4 cup of mushrooms
1/2 cup of fresh cut pineapple
almond milk
protein shake
greek yogurt.

*about* 1600 cals. still on maintainers mode. I don't know why I'm not trying harder to reduce my calories, I think it's cause I'm really comfortable right now, lol.

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