
Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 5- Weekend Assingment inside!

Happy Saturday Friends: Hope you are all sticking to your challenge to eat well and run/stay active!! We are in the beginning stretch of the rest of your life! I love that...I hope this challenge moves you all in the right direction toward a new way of eating, working out and being healthy.
I'm such a junky for all this stuff. I see you are all inspiring each other in your private group, chatting away about your foods/fitness. I was not on much on Friday and again I'll be absent on Saturday as I have two birthday party's to go to. Talk about temptations!!!
So as you venture into your weekend and the temptations try to rock you off the wagon, just hold on tight and think positive. Go back to the emotional eating blog and re-read. Try to use new coping skills to get yourself through. I'm wondering as I read some people's posts about poor food choices if you are actually understanding that I really want you to be learning something from those mistakes. I can sit here all day long and tell you I made a mistake *cause we make them, we are all human, I am not perfect* but I always look in retrospect on why it happened and I really try to fix that for myself. I really want you to do the same. If you just can't seem to find a way to do that then go to my self esteem blog and re-read that. Plus remember, talk to me...I'm here to help you through this ;-)

Make a plan for your food and fitness this weekend just like it's any other day of the week.
HOMEWORK- Find a recipe of a SUPER HEALTHY SNACK that you are going to make/eat on Sunday Evening!! Share your recipe with everyone! Please Post your pics/creation/recipe on the main CalorieCountingRunnerGirl Wall. Don't be afraid to post over there and share with the other 500 plus members that are apart of the like page. They may not have had the time/desire to be part of the challenge but surely they may love some of the great eats of your weekend!

I come home to this blog....been gone out of the house since this morning when I took my daughter to school.(So about 12hrs) I've been incredibly busy all week. Today was no different as I went to the gym, hit up a Local Mommy Group Lunch Date, then Bank, met friends at the local gorge for a small walk to the falls then took the kids to the playground. Then off to Syracuse for Dinner and pick up a gift basket Don won on a raffle during Marathon Expo. FleetFeet, BJ's, Walmart....and now...I'M BEYOND BEAT!

1.5 mile run. Hit Race Pace of 7:40 to test out the knee for a Sunday Race. Knee felt great during that pace...but just as soon as I slowed down it got mad at me and the ache and knee stiffness settled in pretty good.
Another 20-30min run of the halls at the gym and ran up 20 flights of stairs during this hallway running. A great sweat, no doubt would of loved to of ran stairs all day long cause I'm a sweat junky and this is an amazing respiratory/cardio boom'in work-out but my knee was really starting to scream at me. Um...hello can't handle my Boom? WTF!

During that time of running I also hit up the weight room and would bust out a set of 20lb arm curls. So just a quick set with a rep of 10 on each arm and then run back to the halls. I'm in love with the cardio interplay with muscle work. I think it helps boosts the metabolism and teaches the heart to learn to pick up the heart rate and then drop it back down quickly, much like sprinting in running!
I went to Fleet Feet tonight and I had my feet re-analyzed...trying to rule out any change in my stride since I started running my new 8min pace...especially as I working hard at dropping my pace into the 7min rage for my runs so I can get that to be my new normal pace. I was wondering if I was striking different and maybe not pronating as much. My strike looked good and my ankle stayed steady in my trusty Nike Triax Structures. They have been faithful since I started running! They feel like home!
Just like I promised I called the sports doctor at 3:15pm today and asked if the MRI report was in my chart yet. It was not so they threw a note in there that I called and was looking for immediate answers if it was ok to be running on it. Sorta too late now that I've done about 6miles on it the last few days. I told them I wanted to race on Sunday.
Now I wait to see how my knee acts tonight/tmrw as I rest to determine if I go for an Age Group Place with my Race Pace or just go and run with my fellow CalorieCountingRunnerGirls and help my one friend get in under 30min for this 5k race! Either way, no matter what I decide it will be a great to do either one and I'm looking forward to being around the racing community again! This is the Wounded Warrior Run too to raise money for Veterans so that means something too.


I am so embarrassed cause I'm not normally like this and it's happened twice in the last few weeks but I forgot to eat breakfast :/ Yikes. I was SO busy this morning. I actually not only got myself ready for the gym and the kids all dressed, fed and ready for school/child watch but I had to give both my daughters showers this morning and I just go to so busy that I forgot to eat and I actually forgot my coffee this morning. NOW if you know me...that's busy if I'm too busy to grab my ONLY Coffee! OMG!

L: MommyGroup Meet up @ Panera Bread
Chicken apple fuji salad- 240cals
cheddar broccoli soup- 180 cals
Green tea- 100
S: Nut Snack Pack- 150
coffee- 50
D: Friendly's with my Family
Grilled Chicken on Chiabatta Bread- 500 cals
*no dessert*
coffee----much too much.....someone slipped me a micky I was feeling so TIRED- 200cals in sugar/creamer...shoot me now!
Almond Milk-60
Jillian Michaels all natural protein shake- 100
Greek Yogurt-140
Wheat Germ- 50
Total: 1895
I can be ok with a calorie up day considering I was not home to eat! compromise! I live healthy, I made healthy choices! My body isn't going to gain from I of course am Happy :-)
Old Me:
•Panera Bread: Full salad, Full soup, would of ate my kids mac&cheese, would of bought myself a cookie when I bought my kids cookie- it looked DIVINE! I must say, lol.
•Maybe zip through the fast food to eat french frys or a quick burger instead of nut snack pack
•At Friendlys I would of gotten my all time favorite there- a Big Greasy Cheeseburger & fries and then totally would of gotten my FREE ice cream Sunday but WAIT...I would of totally UPGRADED that bad boy and to a 5 scoop and added extra peanut butter and marshmallow....hhhhmmm...throw in some Reese's peanut butter pcs. Yep!! 4000 calories later!!
Today's Total then: probably at least 6000 calories! and clogged my arteries just a little bit more!
That my friends is the difference? Did I hit target on my calories...NO! But it's not the end of the world, this is not a race. This is my new life. I eat well. I make choices, healthy ones....all day long and sometimes I eat maybe more than what my body actually needs but that's ok, it's all going to work out. You have to balance and be square in your mind about it all.

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