
Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 19- Sickly but still ran ;)

I woke up was not feeling well. Tired indeed but I had severe stomach pains. way up in the diaphragm. Surely I knew quickly I got this one from Whitney as she complained of a stomach ache at school yesterday and went to the Nurses office to lay down for a while.
So I put myself on the couch for the morning and then I took a hot bath to help me feel better and popped some ibuprofen all about 11am. Quickly I nodded to sleep in the hot bath as it was SO RELAXING but quickly I was reminded that my life is full of toddler twin fun and the twins blood curdling screams awoke me!
RunnerBoy came home from a 10mile group run over in LiverPool, NY.
His friend lives over there and his Ymca has a great group run 2x weekly. Friday being a long run Day. I so badly wanted to go but with the bum knee and the belly ache I knew I couldn't go :(
He came home super happy, the longest run for him since Empire Marathon. So he was happy his legs remembered. I smiled and laughed at him. Of course they do. That just reminds me too. When I come back, my legs will remember :)
He urged my run despite feeling tight, sore and still under the weather. He quietly encouraged me and reminded me softly that I always feel better after my runs.
So off I went.
First 2 miles were Great. I stopped and stretched and took back some layers. It was a COLD NY day but the sun was shining and I was so HAPPY to be out there. I love Running and I miss in my life everyday. Now I realize that it's ok to wait to run and share the need for special occasions. That my love affair with Running will be like no other in my life. Permanent, no matter how times I ever get hurt, no matter how long I ever have to take run breaks, it's in my heart and it's never going to go anywhere. I'll always have my wings and for today, even just a simple 5k my heart and soul are again happy and refreshed ♥ I Know for a Fact that running will never leave me. It will never stop being there for me. It will always pick me up when I feel like I'm falling down. It will rescue me when my life feels crazy and a bit out of control. My Running will never not love me enough to keep sharing itself with me. It's permanent and for a person with my sorta of a heart ached past, this is a Great Thing!
After my 2mile turn-around I was excited. I felt nothing but a tiny noticeable ache that my knee was feeling the run. To which I felt confident and ran 2 miles out away from home. However on the way home about the 2.5 mile mark I started to 'clam' up around the backside of the knee. Again feeling as if someone was clenching down on the knee from underneath and then wtih steadfast ironclad fist it grappled my entire knee. I tried slowing down as I was running comfortably at a 8min pace and I tried speeding up but it didn't agree and then I tried slowing down and it certainly didn't agree. So then I just kept the pace about 8:35 for the last 6/10ths the last mile and by the end I was certainly hurting but I was claiming my 5k today! 26:25 8:35 pace
Then I walked the last Mile home. It was a nice walk and I wasn't mad. I was too thrilled to just be out there. Now that it's been a few hrs I am a tad disappointed that God has not waved his magic healing wand for me. That I somehow keep feeling that 4 weeks should be enough time to recover from some knee tendonitis. Maybe Ludacris how I think that after several days off that it would be healed and never hurt me again. Maybe it's just progress that I got 2.5 miles before pain and that is progress from a Month ago when my first recovery run I could barely get 2-3min into a run :)
I count my Blessing and I thank you God for my Run today ♥
100 calorie Triple health English Muffin
1tblsp all natural jam
1 organic beef burger
triple health muffin
1/2 slice 2% cheese
1.5 cup steamed broccoli
1/4 cup lowfat cottage cheese
1/4 cup portabello mushrooms
2 tblsp organic bbq sauce
Not up for eating today. I'm lacking foods but I'm tired and this is day 8 of exercise and I really need to rest, however I suspect I may go 9 days and then rest on Sunday. OMG...I am a little crazy?
hhhmmm!!! Tmrw morning I take my Police Officer Exam!! If I have time after I will go to the gym for some crosstraining. If not I go home and spend the rest of my day with just my peeps As RunnerBoy works a double! Wish me Luck!
RunnerBoy laughed as he picked this up along side the road today on his 10miler. He's a pig and he excitedly reports he got a hummer on his run! nastyrunboy!
I said "Honey, I see hubcaps along side the road all the time, doenst mean I bring them home! I see dirty socks/clothes, shoes, and all sorts crazy stuff but you don't see me brining it home" He says "No's a HUMMER...I HAD TO" BWAHAHAHAHA WHAT A DORK!

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