
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer Intensity

Woke up feeling great.

Today's Fitness Routine went down like this :-)

3 Miles on the tready supa'easy!
40min of strength training
1 hour Summer Intensity at the Gym

So my miles were easy and carefree, nothing crazy or fancy, just 3 simply to get it done and could have gone more...but's a taper week for me before hitting 16LR next week with a bump in midweek mileage. Likely hitting over 40+ miles next week I'll settle for around 30 this week!

Strength training involved focus on obliques/arms/abs in similarly typical fashion to the other day!

Summer Intensity was my first ever participation in the class. Of course I'm so vain I adored how I looked at fit/thin self in the mirror the whole time and was able to crank an hour of cardio in an hour with ease! It was a great sweat and there was some pylometrics play and great focus on the quads.

Let's just say the legs feel wobbly now! haha! I LOVE IT!

Weight this morning (158...can't wait to break this plateau! +.5lbs)

Food Yesterday:
B: Flaxseed oatmeal with tblsp of chia, coffee
L: 2slices of whole wheat with low sodium ham, slice of tomato and 2%lowfat cheese toasted with a healthy oil based spread, 1 cup of my lentil soup :-)
D: 85/15 Organic Beef Burger, slice of 2% cheese, spinach, onion, tomato on whole wheat bread, 2 cup of fresh grapes, 1 corn on the cob with spat of butter/salt/pepper
s: 4 freezepops, snikkidy snack

Total Calories yesterday: 1550 (within range 1200-1600)

Todays Running Song dedicated to Eminem!! Lighters

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